GFA has the endorsement of such highly-respected organizations as Operation Mobilization and such individuals as David and Karen Mains (Chapel of the Air) and Erwin Lutzer (Moody Church, Chicago). It was a charter member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and it provides donors full accounting upon request. I have researched GFA to my own satisfaction and I am convinced that it is sound in integrity and management, scriptural as to gospel basics and of the Lord.
By personally sponsoring a native missionary at $30 a month, you can joyfully share in taking the gospel to people who have never heard it, in countries where Western missionaries cannot even go. I suspect that almost every Christian family in the USA, Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand is able to sponsor at least one native missionary — and many families can partner with five, ten or even more. My wife and I have just committed to support several missionaries in Asia. GracEmail now goes to approximately 4,100 subscribers around the world. My dream, prayer and challenge is for gracEmail subscribers to underwrite at least 1,000 native evangelists through GFA, although only God will know if that prayer is finally answered.
To learn more, I urge you to visit Gospel for Asia’s website. There you can watch the online video “The Call to Harvest,” and obtain a free copy of the mind-boggling and heart-stirring book Revolution in World Missions. I have never known of such an opportunity as this for obeying Jesus Christ’s commission, for effectively sharing eternal life through Christ with those who have never heard. We sometimes wonder about the fate of those who never hear the gospel. Far better to see that they do hear it — for now as well as hereafter! Thanks to the vision and obedience of God’s servant from India, K. P. Yohannan, and Gospel for Asia we can each have a part in doing just that.