A gracEmail subscriber writes that he has been unfaithful to his wife. He has just confessed to her, his spiritual leaders and the other people involved. In her pain, his wife has left the house and he fears for her safety. “I am seeing the importance of developing a personal relationship with Jesus first,” he says. “God allowed me to drop to the bottom so that I can see that I must truly give everything over to Him.” He asks for my prayers and advice.
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My brother, I pray that God who has given you conviction and repentance will now also make you know and feel his forgiveness, which cost the life and death of his only-begotten Son. Sin is drastic and grace is not cheap — although it is free to us sinners who will trust God for it. Our actions have consequences, even when our guilt is forgiven. I pray that God will hold you close to him through that process also, whatever it might involve.
I am glad that you have told the persons who need to be told. You must not expect too much of your wife in understanding or dealing with this. Obviously, it must come as a terrible blow to her. I doubt that either of us can really comprehend the pain it has caused her — pain which will probably be a long time healing if ever. Words cannot erase what you have done. It will take many months, maybe years, of actions, of gentleness, of putting her first, to help her believe that you mean you are sorry, although I have no doubt whatsoever that you are as sorry in your heart as a man can possibly be.
I also pray for your wife right this moment, that God will keep her safe, and that he will begin even now to prepare her heart to hear your repentance and to believe it and to allow God to help heal her heart and also your marriage. All things are possible with God. Don’t lose faith now. God will always be faithful.