“God calls children blessings, in Psalm 127 and in many other texts,” writes a Christian sister. “Why, then, don’t we want to have them? Or why only one or two? Are modern-day babies not also a part of God’s plan?”
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Indeed, children are entrusted to us as gifts from God. However, we need not forget that the Old Testament people of God lived in extended families in agrarian and semi-agrarian societies. Childlessness was socially undesirable, for children (especially males) not only constituted needed workers but also the “social security” for aged parents. I know no reason why we should think those people were unaware of family planning by “natural” means or that God frowned on such foresight.
Jesus suggested that one should not go to war or plan a construction project without counting the cost — although winning a war or building a house both depended on God’s favor and blessing. Should we think it less prudent to combine fiscal stewardship with planning a family? Of course, the conclusions a couple reaches are their business and God’s alone, and ought not be second-guessed or judged by others who have no responsibility in the matter.
If we entrust our families to God — in planning, rearing, and teaching — he will certainly guide and provide in that area of life as well as in any other. We parents learn much about God’s love as we deal with our children, and children learn much about God’s fatherhood through the example of godly parents. May your house be filled with his Presence and his abiding peace.