Recently I was impressed, on reading Psalm 23, with the statement that God leads us beside the quiet or still waters. He does not require us to live frantically, to pick desperately between alternative paths, or to choose our course in a panic.
Divine guidance often comes in very undramatic shapes. We might draw insight from a biblical story, or admonition or promise. We might see a light shining through from some past personal experience with God, or find new direction by reviewing the path he has brought us thus far.
We might obtain guidance through specific research, or by talking with wise and godly counselors, or by reflecting on our holiest persistent desires. Perhaps God will lead by placing strategic people and opportunities in our path at just the “right” time. When that happens, the believer ought not to speak of “luck” or “coincidence,” but rather should praise the heavenly Father who is so faithful and who always abounds in tender mercy.