A gracEmail subscriber asks, “What are your thoughts about the Promise Keepers movement? Is it an organization with a political agenda, a Spirit-driven phenomenon or perhaps a great awakening?”
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Promise Keepers appears to me to be a mighty work of the Holy Spirit with historic repercussions. Through PK and other such movements, God is lighting fires of revival and reformation among many of his people from a wide assortment of Christian backgrounds. The result, by God’s grace, just might be the spiritual transformation of our country, now filled with family and societal violence, dysfunctional homes, religious division and racial hatred.
So far, PK has seemingly avoided the allure of secular power and has sidestepped the trap of triumphalism. Its leaders appear to recognize that God’s kingdom does not depend on political influence or partisan ballots. PK people do know that God’s kingdom advances when people of faith fall on their knees and pray down the renewing power of Almighty God.
I gladly stand in the line of those who are committed to further the spiritual oneness which is created by the Holy Spirit of God. In the words of the ancient Apostles Creed, “I believe in one holy, catholic [universal], apostolic church.” When those who profess faith in Jesus Christ come together in repentance and worship and prayer, encourage each other to be men of God and worthy examples and leaders of their families, then go out arm-in-arm to serve the Lord without regard to racial and denominational walls, only good can come from it.