The misconception is widespread that the various Christian denominations and fellowships have little in common, or that they constitute different “faiths.” From a biblical standpoint, there is but one Christian faith, which exists throughout the church universal, although its specific external expressions vary with time and place as well as with denomination. There is not a Presbyterian faith or a Baptist faith or a Church of Christ faith. There is one great house of God, though many rooms; one family whose members all know God as Father; one fellowship of the Spirit whose participants all call Jesus their Savior and Lord.
True, the wheat presently grows alongside the weeds, as Jesus taught in one of his parables (Matt. 13). The Church is a “mixed bag,” which does not yet correspond to God’s eternal kingdom. God knows his own children and he will winnow out false pretenders at the appropriate time. Church labels do not guarantee anything either. Relationship with Jesus as personal, living Lord either exists or does not exist on an individual basis. Larger church “families” — whether we think of a congregation or a denomination — reflect the vitality of the respective people who compose them.
Let me encourage you, if you know Jesus Christ as your own risen and living Lord, to broaden your view (and your life) to include all other believers in him. If you do not yet enjoy such a personal relationship with God through Christ, be assured that millions of others do, for whom such a relationship is as real as any earthly relationship. Remember also that the Creator invites you to know him — now and for all eternity. Come home, he invites, come home to the great house of God!