A Baptist sister writes, “I was married to a member of the Church of Christ and these gracEmails don’t sound like the same denomination — or has the Church of Christ changed?
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God is also at work among Churches of Christ and a new face is emerging which often resembles that of the Savior. Some say the Churches of Christ are beginning to live up to their name — truly churches “of Christ.” However one might describe the change, it is from God and he is due all the glory!
This has not yet happened everywhere, and the old legalistic and sectarian attitudes are still found here and there — sometimes with even greater intensity than before because of the gospel revolution taking place, from which some retreat and to which others respond out of fear and uncertainty. But in many Churches of Christ — and the number of those pulpits is increasing — Christ is now preached as preeminent rather than the church, grace rather than law, Scripture instead of human opinions and deductions, and Jesus’ blood and righteousness as the grounds of salvation instead of our own faulty obedience. One also finds the fruit of the Spirit in abundance, and sometimes the gifts of the Spirit as well.
These changes are not only true to the Bible, they also represent a return to the original vision of those who founded the 19th century Restoration Movement, out of which emerged modern-day Churches of Christ, Independent Christian Churches and Disciples of Christ.