A gracEmail subscriber asks: “What is your understanding of man as body, soul and spirit?”
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This subject is one about which many believers have (to them) clear ideas, make absolute distinctions and teach with uncompromising vigor. After 50 years of Bible study, I still find it inhabiting a largely gray area of Scripture teaching. These differences of opinion will surely remain until we all see God face to face and understand fully. Nor is the subject one of central importance. The fuzzy gray understanding is adequate for a saving relationship with God and for maturing in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
I welcome your opinions but I will not argue with anyone who responds and I do not have time or interest to read all the articles or books on this subject that various gracEmail subscribers might wish to recommend. It goes without saying (a strange phrase, since it means I am going to say it anyway!) that I cannot review, rebut, criticize or critique anyone else’s writings about “soul” and “spirit.”
It is enough that we have the Spirit of Christ and of God. If we now concentrate on being led by that Spirit, walking by that Spirit, being gifted and empowered by that Spirit in service to others, we will find ourselves fully occupied and having no time for pointless argument.