A pastor has issued a "call to arms" to his denomination, concerned that some of his brethren are non-trinitarian in theology and that others who are trinitarian are not militant enough in purging the denominational ranks. Although I do not belong to that denomination, the pastor sent me a copy of his "call to arms," The following was my response. * * *Zeal for biblical truth is entirely commendable, when properly proportionate to the gospel centrality of that truth, and when zeal is clothed in love. Zealotry for human tradition, on the other hand, is never good. We must urge, for example, … [Read more...]
Archives for 2012
Someone asks whether it is necessary to say that God is a Trinity, one God in three persons, in order to be saved. * * *Evidently not, since the New Testament Scriptures never use the word "Trinity" or the expression "three persons." However, Scripture says much indeed concerning the nature and identity of Jesus Christ, who is the divine Word-made-flesh. lt also speaks of the Holy Spirit in personal terms. Whatever Scripture clearly affirms regarding what Christians traditionally refer to as "trinitarian" doctrine, we should be eager to affirm. But God nowhere requires us … [Read more...]
A gracEmail concerning God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit provoked a cross-section of responses. One reader pointed to Old Testament references she regarded as trinitarian. Another subscriber remarked that he has "never seen a trinitarian who can explain the nature of God." A third correspondent expressed appreciation for what he considered the "clear, practical, and biblical" exposition set out here. And a fourth confided that she was uncomfortable with the doctrine of the Trinity and probably would be barred from joining the congregation she attends if church officials knew of her … [Read more...]
A missionary writes from Brazil, "A lady who studied with me had trouble accepting God in three persons. How do you see the doctrine of the Trinity?" * * *From first to last in Scripture, God reveals himself as the One and only true God, beside whom there is no other (Deut. 6:5; Isa. 43:10; James 2:19). Jesus was a strict monotheist, as all faithful Jews since Abraham have been. Yet Jesus claimed a unique oneness with the Father (John 14:8-11; 17:3-5, 20-23) -- a claim that would be quite blasphemous were it not true (Matt. 26:63-65). Before leaving the earth, Jesus also promised to … [Read more...]
A gracEmail reader in Ohio asks whether the Bible explains the origins of racial and color differences among humankind. * * * People in all nations share an original ancestor -- we all are from one blood (Acts 17:26). Because God created us, we are his "offspring" by nature, made for fellowship with him -- and with each other. Because sin has radically altered and distorted the human condition, reconciliation and ultimate fellowship are enjoyed only by divine grace, as we become children of God through faith in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:13-16; Gal. 3:26-29). The author of … [Read more...]
After reading my recent reflections concerning the Battle of Franklin and the Civil War, an African-American brother in Georgia responded with some pertinent observations of his own. I found his comments insightful and provocative, so I share them with you today. My original remarks are quoted first, followed by his responses in italics. I have added two further comments in brackets. * * * "No visible signs remain that this yard . . . once witnessed a carnage so terrible that battle-hardened soldiers were sickened by the slaughter. . . . The only remaining evidence of war lies beneath … [Read more...]
The battle began about 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 1864, and it raged for five hellish hours. Some 20,000 Confederate troops, commanded by the egotistical and miscalculating Gen. John Bell Hood, launched a suicidal, frontal assault along a two-mile front, across 400 yards of open fields. Their target -- the considerably smaller but well-entrenched and heavily-armed Union Army that earlier had captured the picturesque village of Franklin, Tennessee, a dozen miles south of Nashville. When the sun rose the next morning, more than 6,200 Southern soldiers and nearly 2,500 Union men lay dead on those … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber who is a U.S. military officer asks how he should view killing in war. "I have an allegiance to Christ and to my country," he writes, "with the latter subordinate to the former. Can you provide any guidance?" * * * The Old Testament distinguishes between criminal homicide (murder, punishable by death), accidental homicide (for which asylum was provided in the Cities of Refuge), and justifiable homicide (self-defense and holy war). The New Testament forbids murder and makes no provision for "holy war" by the church, which is a spiritual rather than … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber asks if the return of Jews since 1948 to the modern state of Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy and a sign of Jesus' soon return. * * * The Old Testament prophets repeatedly anticipate a time when God will gather Jews who have been scattered around the world back to their ancestral homeland (Isa.11:10-12; 52:1-10; Ezek. 36:22-24; 37:1-12; Zech. 10:6-12; 12:3,6). Many biblical scholars believe that these prophecies will be fulfilled literally. Other scholars note that the New Testament sometimes explains such literal-sounding promises in … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber who is reading through the Bible has come to Leviticus 25 and God's instructions for observing the Year of Jubilee. "Did Israel practice Jubilee?" he asks. "If so, for how long? I don't recall any mention of it in Judges, Samuel, Kings or Chronicles." * * *As you know from your reading, Jubilee was part of a group of ecological instructions that God gave to Israel long before "green" was fashionable (Lev. 25). Every seven years, the Israelites were to give the farm land a sabbath (rest) year by not planting any crops or working the soil. The year after the … [Read more...]