Mount Sinai represented Law, but Mount Zion represents Gospel. As believers in Christ, says the author of Hebrews in 12:22-24, we have come to:
* Mount Zion — the joy of believing Israel, the place of God’s Presence, the location of inspiration, blessing and peace (many Psalms).
* The city of the Living God (which, unlike Sinai, cannot be touched) is the Heavenly Jerusalem, inhabited by tens of thousands of angels, the general assembly (literally, “panegyeric” — a FESTIVE assembly where orations are made and worthy people honored (remember chapter 11?).
* The “church” (literally “assembly,” ekklesia — in the Greek Old Testament, the People of God in assembly; in the secular Greek world, a town meeting, Acts 19:30-39) of the firstborn ones who are enrolled as citizens of heaven (see 11:9-10, 12-16, 38-40; see also Book of Life = “Book of Living Citizens” in Revelation).
* God — the universal Judge, which in the Bible usually means VINDICATION for God’s people and PUNISHMENT for their enemies.
* The spirits of righteous people made perfect (“the communion of saints”).
* Jesus — our better-arrangement Mediator — whose blood, like Abel’s, cries out a message, but unlike Abel’s, which calls out for FORGIVENESS rather than for VENGEANCE.