RADIO GUEST TONIGHT — God willing, I will be the sole guest tonight on “The Bible Live” program on Radio Station KSLR (AM-630) in San Antonio, Texas from 9:30-10:30 pm with host Newman (Soapy) Dollar. I have been asked to present the biblical case for the final end of the unrepentant. Listen via internet! Catch program live streaming at
We have seen that Jesus did not come to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill them, by filling them full of meaning and application and significance. In his own bodily choices, actions, and deeds as a man, Jesus did God’s will every day. He embodied God’s will, shall we say–translated the will of God from words on a page into a living demonstration of everything God always wanted in a human being.
Then Jesus presented that perfectly-done will to the Father, “wrapped” as it were, in his human body on the cross. The Father was pleased with that offering, “and by that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Heb. 10:10). God’s law is forever kept in the life of Jesus Christ, empowered by God’s Spirit and shaped by perfect love.
God “condemned sin in the flesh” of his well-beloved Son Jesus to free us from the guilt of sin, but also to free us from the practice of sin. The laws of God describe a person’s conduct who pleases God, but laws cannot produce what they describe. But the Spirit of God that led Jesus can transform each of us. As we “walk according to the Spirit” and “not according to the flesh,” the “just requirement (righteousness) of the law” is “fulfilled in us” (Rom. 8:3-4). Without thinking about laws but with lives shaped by love, we can look back at the end of a day and see that the law has been fulfilled in us (Rom. 13:8-10).