Congratulations to gracEmail subscriber Ron Curtis, whose book manuscript on how to have an almost-perfect marriage won FIRST PLACE in the Readers Choice Awards at the recent Ridgecrest Christian Writers Conference. I grew up with Ron (then Ronnie, who became an engineer as an adult) and he was brilliant as a kid. The kind of person who would not surprise you if he decided to build a radio, but write a book — never. Especially about psychology and relationships. But God touched his heart and mind and tongue, and Ron wrote this book. When I read the manuscript, it grabbed me and would not let me go. I look forward to telling you more about it when it is published sometime in the future, God willing.
This faith ministry began several years ago when one Christian woman in Southern California was touched by the frequent sight of teenage mothers and mothers-to-be. She turned to God with a heart full of Jesus’ love, and offered herself as a vessel to take that love where needed in whatever way God might see fit. Since then, Growing Pains has won the respect of onlookers and the praise of the community as it provides a safe and loving place for teen parents to receive help and encouragement as they grow and experience the grace of God. I praise God for Susan Fudge, my sister-in-law to whom God gave a vision for the Growing Pains ministry, and for every other disciple of Jesus who watches, listens to, and follows him. For more information go to:
Thank you so much to all who wrote kind words of affirmation and encouragement concerning gracEmail’s 20th year now under way. This is a stewardship of grace with which God has entrusted me and for which I will give account with thanksgiving and with joy. God bless each of you in a special way today!
This prayer is by gracEmail subscriber Allen Dennis:
Lord, I believe. Please help my unbelief, and tolerate my questions and my doubts. Thank You for all the promises You have made to me, especially when You promised to reward those “Who diligently seek You.” I know that I have been wrong about many things during my life, and sinned often, but You know that I have diligently sought You every day.
I take refuge in this promise. I look forward to the “Great Not Yet” when all things will be made clear, all questions answered, all divisions healed, all doubts resolved, and where only peace and joy will reign forever. Thank you, my dear Abba.
The second Rethinking Hell conference will be held on June 18-20, 2015 on the campus of Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. The theme will be Conditional Immortality and the Challenge of Universal Salvation. For full details go to:
Presenters include OLIVER CRISP (University of London PhD), Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary; CHRIS DATE, steward for the Rethinking Hell project, software engineer, and able teacher and debater (recently debated Dr. Albert Mohler on Premier Christian Radio UK); DAVID INSTONE- BREWER (Cardiff BD hons, Cantab. DPhil) is Senior Research Fellow in Rabbinics and New Testament at Tyndale House in Cambridge UK.
ROBIN PARRY (University of Gloucestershire DPhil) who lives in Worcester UK, is a theological Editor for Wipf and Stock Publishers, and is author of The Evangelical Universalist and other books. JAMES S. SPIEGEL (Michigan State University PhD) is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Taylor University in Upland, Indiana. JERRY WALLS (Notre Dame PhD) is Professor of Philosophy and Scholar-in- Residence at Houston Baptist University. Among the dozen books he has authored are a trilogy on Hell, Heaven, and Purgatory.