If someone tells you that somebody else is saying awful things about you, don’t defend yourself against the accusations, but reply, “He must not know about the other faults that I have, if these are the only ones he mentioned.” — Epictetus, Enchiridion.
Increasingly, believers around the world are finding the traditional doctrine of unending conscious torment to be a slander against the character of God. It has no scriptural basis and should be discarded as a horrible falsehood. In its place we have the Bible’s straightforward teaching of two final options–eternal life for the redeemed and the second death or perishing for the unrepentant (Rom. 6:23; John 3:16). We have known those two options all our lives, but we did not know we could take them at face value.
The following testimony expresses the joy of one man who has come recently to this light, and it is typical of emails that we receive on a regular basis:
“Dear Edward, I just wanted to let you know that I am thoroughly enjoying your books. I see the truth in your research. Your teachings have brought me a peace that allows me to share Christ’s gospel without having to threaten my audience with eternal hell fire to get them to believe. The more I walk with Christ the more my love for everyone, even my enemies, grows. Your knowledge has given me a deeper and more solid foundation of apologetics. You are my friend, my brother in Christ.”
Sponsors of the Rethinking Hell Conference 2015 just held at Fuller Seminary in Pasadena, California announce that they are producing a set of 4 DVD discs containing video of all plenary sessions at the conference, as well as a number of this year’s important breakout sessions. The DVD set costs USD $35, which includes shipping. For more information or to order, go to: