It is easy to find people willing to praise the old-fashioned virtues, more difficult to locate folks who demonstrate those virtues year after year by their lives. I know no one who does that more consistently, more humbly, and with more enthusiasm and good cheer than my dear friend, gracEmail subscriber Dwain Evans (dwainevans@att.net). Dwain recently forwarded a beautiful video that is sure to bless. Enjoy it at: player.vimeo.com/video/89476173
John Michael and Viola Talbot serve the Savior together by bringing pleasure to both palate and ears. As “Troubadour for the Lord,” JMT teaches, sings and plays guitar (and serves as spiritual leader of The Brothers and Sisters of Charity at Little Portion Hermitage Monastery in Berryville, Arkansas.) Viola is in charge of the Little Portion Bakery. This online business features Viola’s Granola, St. Anthony’s Hermit Bars, and St. Clare’s Breakfast Cookies. Read all about it — and place an order for yourself and someone else at: www.LittlePortionBakery.org
God’s gifts are easily taken for granted, yet treasures and pleasures of value unknown. Smells, sounds, sights–how rich and yet so free! Sitting outdoors on a summer evening as the cicadas tune their instruments for a “concert” . . . cool breezes dancing overhead . . . the smell of baby powder and a freshly-washed baby . . . cold watermelon . . . fried chicken . . . homemade pie . . . generations praying together . . . God pours grace upon grace . . .
For a limited time, our good friend Pat Arrabito of LLT Productions is offering a discounted price on the feature movie “Hell and Mr. Fudge” (also now available for rent via Comcast “On Demand”). For full information go to: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/hellandmrfudge
Our friends at the Rethinking Hell Project are also offering a nice discount on the newly released festschrift (scholarly book) A Consuming Passion which they kindly published in my honor. Check it out at: www.RethinkingHellBooks.com
John Piper’s simple recitation and paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer impacted me profoundly. I suspect this four-minute video will touch your heart and your understanding also. To view it, go to http: blogs.thegospelcoalition.org/justintaylor
We close this gracEmail with a blessing we received from gracEmail subscriber Gus Zgourides, who wrote:
“We say In Greek,
Kala Christougena,
Eftikismenos o kenourios cronos,
Cronia Polla mai hgia kai xara.
We say In English,
Merry Christmas,
A Happy Fortunate New year,
Many more healthy joyful years.”