Late last night, gracEmail subscriber Glenn Lashway sent the following in his weekly email column “Gleanings”:
“Well, it’s almost over. Just a few more hours from when I am writing this and we will have elected a new President. Pray for that person. The task of reuniting the country will be monumental, if even possible at all! I for one will be very glad that this whole thing will be over, even if only for a couple of years.
I will try very hard to remember that God is still on the throne, but I know I will have times of doubt, no matter who wins. Pray for me, pray for each other, that we remember who we are and whose we are, and that we believers have access to the only thing that can successfully deal with what might be ahead.
Jesus, the Prince of Peace, resides in his people, and because he lives in you and me, we can live in situations and speak into situations where only the peace of God can be effective. We go forward in the name of the Lord!”
To subscribe to Glen’s weekly Gleanings, send request to:
The following is taken from a longer post by Dr. Ron Highfield, professor of religion at Pepperdine University and deserves our careful attention. It appears in his blog IFAQTHEOLOGY for November 7, 2016.
Physical pleasure, cars, houses, and lands, and a good reputation are not evil in themselves. They can be means through which we can serve and praise God. The joy we experience in them can turn our hearts to God in thanksgiving. But if we seek them as if they could give us true joy apart from their function of pointing us to God, if we worship them, if we forsake the higher goods for the lower, then these things will turn to dust in our hands.
There is only one God. Apart from God, there is only death. Its time for some self-examination. Do you love the world? Do I love the world? Lets ask ourselves some questions:
How often do you think of God and pray?
When you pray, for what do you ask?
How much time do you spend trying to shape other peoples opinion of you? And how much does it bother you when you get less respect or recognition than you think deserve?
How much of your attention is given to planning and experiencing pleasures of all kinds?
If you were responding to a survey that asked you rank the top five things you desired most, what would top your list? Second? Third?
How much effort do you give to exercising your spirit, in self-examination and confession?
What do you think about when you take a walk by yourself?
What are the highest priorities of your two best friends?
Would you prefer to look good or be good? Does your answer match the effort you put into each?
Whom do you most admire?
Is the love of the Father the organizing and animating force of your life?
Once when we faced especially difficult circumstances, we found much comfort, strength and encouragement from the following words of petition and intercession by dear friend and gracEmail subscriber Pat Arrabito, a co-producer of the movie “Hell and Mr. Fudge.” I share them with you because you, like me, might want to use them when interceding for someone dear to you.
“Know that you are especially in my prayers these days. You obviously must be gold, because God doesn’t bestow such refining privileges (termed trials in our more mundane vocabulary) on mere dross. The words of Job have lifted me many times: But He knows the way that I take; when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10). I know our precious friend and Savior is walking with you every inch of the way.
My prayer is that He will make Himself known and felt, that His healing touch will linger on you both, that His sweet and comforting words will fill your ears, and hope and courage will fill your hearts. I’m asking God to give you blessed assurance as you face the unknown, and that He’ll deliver you from any fear or anxiety in the atmosphere of His perfect love.”