Sybil Short Fudge Dewhirst is a gracEmail reader and zealous encourager of all things good and of everyone whose heart is set on doing good things. She also happens to be my mother. Now in her 94th year, Mom fills each day with devotional reading, Bible study, praying for family both physical and spiritual,and more often than not, writing them emails to encourage, console, guide and revive. (She also has her hair done and nails tended, eats food, and does light housekeeping — no wings and halo, just a mortal earthling.)
Mom (no doubt, like many of yours) is a model of the Christian life as Peter describes it–a life of serving others with the gifts God has entrusted to us, in the strength God provides and to God’s glory (1 Peter 4:10-11). For all such saints we give thanks to God and seek to imitate them as they imitate Christ. The inner character of such a person is seen in the following excerpt from one of Mom’s recent emails.
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EMAIL FROM MOM: Good-Monday-morning to you, dear hearts! Sunshine here as I look out the windows and even more thrilling is the SON-shine “in my soul today,” more glorious and bright than any earthly light . . . .” The words and tune of that old song, along with another mixed in even as I type, “keep me singing as I go!”– ever so thankful for strength of body and mind in spite of ongoing physical and mental vicissitudes of advancing years! Praying that you’re experiencing the like manifold blessings. (The words just poured out — perhaps a portent of what follows!)
[Second son Henry and third son Robert also live in Limestone County, Ala., where Mom now lives] Last evening as Robert was bringing me home (how I do treasure the one-on-one times with him and Henry to and from church services on alternate Sundays — their families in separate cars for convenience) I told him that I felt perhaps one reason the Lord was allowing me these extra years was so I could learn more every day of the exciting truths in His Word that seem to keep unfolding as I read, hear and meditate, and that I can talk about with him and Henry. Not to mention the joy and privilege of living near enough for regular times with each set of families and progeny.During a visit earlier this year with the three Rollings sisters (Judy, Patricia and Martha) they asked how I kept busy. Among other things, I told them about the manuscript of my book, A BRIEF STUDY OF REVELATION, which I compiled and used in ladies’ class in Tupelo, Miss. [before moving to Athens, Alabama last year]. Last Saturday morning, I decided to read the study all the way through and to concentrate particularly on the text and comments of worship and joyfulness of the heavenly scenes and promises, more or less skimming through (though not oblivious to) the rest. Finished about 10:30 that night being thrilled all the way.
Lovingly, Mom