THE ELEVENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. David Matthew is a British Bible teacher, Christian leader, blogger, and long-time gracEmail subscriber with whom I frequently share identical theological perspectives and a common approach to reading, interpreting, and applying the Bible. David's website is located at: Below are David's own lead-ins and links to some of his recent book reviews, which I commend to you most heartily for your enjoyment and edification. Concerning The Life You've Always Wanted, by John Ortberg, … [Read more...]
Review of Robert Morey
DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE Robert A. Morey (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1984, cloth, 315 pages). One of the first books written in response to The Fire That Consumes after its appearance in 1982 was this volume by Robert A. Morey. The author of several books, Morey self-identifies as an apologist for orthodox Christianity and an exposer of cultic and non-Christian religions. Morey's zeal is beyond question, although his research and reasoning are not, as pointed out in the review that follows. As used here, a "conditionalist" is a person who holds that, because only God is … [Read more...]
Review : WHO CAN BE SAVED? Reassessing Salvation in Christ and World Religions by Terrance L. Tiessen How will God judge those, before and after Christ, who throughout their lives and through no fault of their own never heard the divine revelation God has entrusted to his covenant people? In this exciting new book, Reformed theologian and gracEmail subscriber Terrance L. Tiessen counters head-on this question which always seems to surface among thoughtful and sensitive believers who consider deeply the implications of the gospel and of Christian witness. As a Reformed Christian, Tiessen … [Read more...]
Review of John Sanders
NO OTHER NAME: An Investigation into the Destiny of the Unevangelized by John Sanders Thoughtful Christians often wonder concerning the final destiny of those who, through no fault of their own, do not in this lifetime hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Many believers assume that all such persons will certainly be lost. Evangelical scholar John Sanders says we ought not to be so sure. We must affirm that salvation is only through Jesus Christ, he insists, but that does not necessarily mean that everyone saved by Jesus has heard of Jesus. In this article, published in the Journal of the … [Read more...]