Is there a word from God, following Tuesday's (September 11, 2001) unprecedented terrorist attacks in New York and Washington which claimed thousands of lives, shut down air travel nationwide and launched the USA into a state of virtual war against an invisible enemy who as yet remains unknown? Three solemn truths transport us beyond terror, as we reflect on the whole teaching of Scripture. * * * First, we lament the mind-numbing and momentous loss of life. We mourn for those who perished and pray for their loved ones. Though thousands died, each was an individual, snatched … [Read more...]
On Friday, September 11, 1998, the U.S. Congress opened and released to the public the Report of Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, setting forth what Judge Starr characterized as impeachable offenses by the President of the United States. The same day, the President hosted the annual White House Prayer Breakfast, at which he made the following remarks. Only God knows his heart and his sincerity. As Christians, we are obligated at this point to accept them as genuine. We must also denounce as unchristian two popular reactions to recent events -- one liberal and one conservative. Those … [Read more...]