Outline Studies on Baptism Restoring the Ministry of Christian Healing Prayer Outline Studies on the Holy Spirit The Purpose and Duration of Spiritual Gifts … [Read more...]
The Purpose and Duration of Spiritual Gifts
by Edward Fudge Copyrighted 2006 by Edward Fudge -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Approaching this subject Many of us have encountered extremes in attitude regarding the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts. Some have been self-promoting, proud, divisive. Some have shut the door to the Holy Spirit and pulled the welcome mat inside. One author addresses both errors in his metaphorical book title Fire in the Fireplace. We humans tend to react by going to opposite extremes. Instead of … [Read more...]
13 Lessons on the Holy Spirit
LESSONS ON THE HOLY SPIRIT by Edward Fudge LESSON 1 of 13 GOD'S SPIRIT IN THE WORLD BEFORE JESUS The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament __________________________________ Spirit of God = God's powerful active presence in the world. __________________ 1. To create and to overpower chaos. Genesis 1:1-2ff 2. To animate all living beings. Genesis 6:1-3 Job 33:4 Psalms 104:27-30 3. To govern/care/direct. a. history and the nations. Isaiah 48:16 context (the world). Zechariah 4:1-6 (Israel and others). Isaiah 34:16-17 (Edom). b. the faith-community. Nehemiah 9:19-20, … [Read more...]
Restoring the Ministry of Christian Healing Prayer We live in a broken world. Does God see all this? Does he care? Is he uninterested in such "worldly" matters? Does the Bible offer any help? If so, do we -- the church? Through much of the past 2,000 years, the church has seemingly said "No." However, the Bible provides us with astounding good news! God does see and care -- he does wish to be involved. And he invites our participation in the healing of his broken world! Today, the Christian church is rediscovering some exhilarating, thrilling, biblical truths along these lines. We cannot … [Read more...]
11 Outlines on Baptism
In these 11 detailed outlined lessons on baptism, Edward walks with you through some of the most comprehensive biblical study of its kind available anywhere today. Focused throughout on Jesus Christ's finished work of salvation, these studies call believers to the restoration of this biblical gospel ordinance. Also available in pdf format: Studies on Baptism BAPTISM -- A CLOSER LOOK by Edward Fudge LESSON 1 of 11 THE GOOD NEWS TO WHICH BAPTISM RESPONDS The work that set us right with God ________________________________________________________ I. The Gospel is Not "Good Do's" … [Read more...]