Discovering the Secrets of God’s Guidance
ORDER The Sound of His Voice here.
1. An inner nudge
2. Guide, guard and direct us
3. From my Mother’s womb
4. And in my Father’s image
5. The normative, written Scriptures
6. The heavens declare
7. The Spirit’s sword
8. A still, small voice
9. Wisdom through godly counsel
10. Could this be prophecy?
11. Obey–God is at work!
12. Open and closed doors
13. Where from here?
A very worthwhile book
A very worthwhile book, especially since it gives both sides of the argument. This gives the book a fairness that should be appreciated.
clear and readable account
Fudge and Peterson . . . have produced a clear and readable account of the biblical grounds for their positions. Fudge's interpretations of the scriptural data is plausible as is Peterson's and neither can dismiss the other by claiming that Scripture clearly supports their view. This book serves well the purpose of laying out the exegetical grounds for both sides.
a good and thorough presentation of both sides
The book is much needed. The debate over the nature of hell shows no sign of going away, and this book gives a good and thorough presentation of both sides in just over two hundred pages. I hope it receives a wide and careful reading.
What a relationship with God can be
What a great job in expressing what a relationship with God can be when it is based on love and not on fear.
It is a deeply moving work
I read it straight through an evening and my wife finished it that same night. It is a deeply moving work.
An inspiration and encouragement
Your book is truly an inspiration and encouragement for me to keep watching and listening for God's loving guidance
I’ve been refreshed and restored
I've been refreshed and restored, and cried some tears too. This testimony came just when I needed it -- that God is alive, that he cares for us, and that he is profoundly involved in our lives.
This is a masterpiece
This is a masterpiece and should be required reading by all Christians
A precious, intimate letter
I feel as if I had just received a precious, intimate letter from a dear friend! Thank you for putting this down on paper for me to read and savor and share.
Could not put it down
I opened this book at 10:00 p.m. and absolutely could not put it down until I finished it at 2:15 a.m. It has encouraged me to be bolder and more expectant in prayer.
This is a great contribution to the debate.
Edward Fudge writes as a person who deeply trusts the Bible as his authority but who believes that Christian theology and teaching has distorted the biblical teaching about hell as the fate of those who reject God. The traditional view has been one of unending conscious torment often elaborated with colorful punishments for the damned. Fudge argues that the scriptures' dominant picture of hell/gehenna is captured in words such as "perish," "death," "destruction," "consuming fire." As Jesus emphasized, the one to fear is he "who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Mt 10:28). Fudge argues simply that these words mean what they say. They should not be turned upside down to mean that in hell the human soul is not destroyed but has an indestructible existence suffering conscious torment through an infinity of time in which the one thing that can never happen is for it to perish. Throughout the book Fudge interacts graciously with other views in order to encourage debate. The book is especially focused on study of practically every biblical text that is relevant to the nature of hell. It is quite a journey that he takes the reader on including Dead Sea Scrolls and many church authors, especially Augustine and Calvin. The book will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding the biblical teaching of the afterlife whether they ultimately agree with Fudge's presentation or not. This is a great contribution to the debate.
Essential reading for anyone interested in the subject
A work of impeccable scholarship and pleasing readability.
The definitive work on conditional immortality.
A formidable scriptural argument which defenders of the popular view will be hard pressed to meet.
A thoughtful case for an opinion that deserves a hearing
Exceptionally evenhanded, forceful and to the point.
A thorough and convincing exposition
A thorough and convincing exposition.
most extensive study
The most extensive study (of the subject) in recent years . . . commendably brings into the discussion many items that are often overlooked." (Dr. Walvoord expressly disagrees with the conclusions of this book.)
A comprehensive response
A comprehensive response to all the texts and arguments used to defend the traditional view of the eternal punishment of the wicked.
Evidence for the common assumption that the wicked will suffer eternal conscious torment may not be as conclusive as assumed.
I know of no biblical passage which, interpreted rightly and in context, conflicts with the conclusions of this book.
thought-provoking book
An important and thought-provoking book that gives careful attention to the actual words of Scripture.
powerful case
"I know of no book which answers this powerful case."
biblical, reverent and fair
The author is biblical, reverent and fair, showing soundness and independence of judgment. He makes his main points with force and persuasiveness.
conducted with such care and reverence
Regardless of whether one is persuaded by Fudge's thesis or not, the patient tone and methodology employed in The Fire That Consumes provides an all-too rare positive example of how such theological conversation might occur. Would that more debates about eschatological matters were conducted with such care and reverence.
the fruit of patient Bible study
While this subject is one on which there is no unanimity among evangelical Christians, it is at the same time one on which they have often engaged in fierce polemic. What is called for, rather, is the fellowship of patient Bible study, the fruit of which Mr. Fudge presents here.
A very strong case for rethinking
A very strong case for rethinking the notion of the eternal torment of all the lost.
reflects the true Biblical teaching about the eternal destiny of the wicked
Although I had never made an extensive study of the biblical doctrine of hell, Fudge’s book forced me to study and evaluate my own views on this issue. . . After comparing the teachings of the New Testament with what I knew about what the Old Testament teaches, it is obvious to me that what The Fire That Consumes teaches reflects the true Biblical teaching about the eternal destiny of the wicked.
thorough and compelling
The most thorough and compelling exposition of the biblical basis of annihilationism.
This book would make a wonderful gift
Edward Fudge unfolds the drama of the salvation story from Adam to the open gates of eternity. He writes in a scholarly style that can be understood by anyone seeking the truth. This book would make a wonderful gift for those searching for a better understanding of God's plan of salvation revealed in the Old Testament and carried out in the life, death and perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Edward Fudge continues to be one of my favorite Christian writers. I know without a doubt that I can depend on his writings to be Bible-based and God-inspired. As a Sunday School teacher, I continually depend on Mr. Fudge's work.
I could not put it down. Lost track of time. . . .
When Edward asked me to read his newest book, I thought, 'Oh, dear God. What if I don't like it? How do you tell a new friend it was just an okay read?' Plus, I'm not that crazy about most Christian writing these days. (That's another story.) So I sat down, sighed, and cracked open THE DIVINE RESCUE. When I looked up, a few hours had passed, and I had read it in one sitting. . . . . I could not put it down. Lost track of time. . . . I don't often recommend these kinds of books. I think most of them are trite. But this is great scholarship put in such a way that it lives up to its billing as a proclamation of a gripping drama. However, the reason I like the book and will share it with others is not because of its writing or its writer. I recommend THE DIVINE RESCUE because it does what good preaching is supposed to do: It tells the story.
Outstanding! Pure Joy!
I've just finished THE DIVINE RESCUE -- outstanding! Unlike your reviewers Calvin Miller and Jeff Christian, I couldn't read it in one setting. When I got to the "Redux" chapters, specifically chapter 35, my tears were so heavy I had to take a time out to thank and praise our triune God before I could go on. My cell phone was with me and even though it was 6:15 Friday morning, I called our mutual good friend (named) and told him to order the book immediately. He said his order was already in the mail. I don't know why that special visitation was so strong; was it some new truth, a hidden mystery now unveiled, or just the Joy of The Lord -- whatever, bring it on, pure Joy!
THE DIVINE RESCUE is a masterpiece
"Edward, THE DIVINE RESCUE is a masterpiece. You have taken on one of the most important needs in the church today--giving people the big picture of God’s story. For too long, we have see Scripture as just a bunch of isolated verses and have used them to prove almost anything we wanted, but you have shown how the story all fits together and how the Creator is at the center of everything. I have been reading portions of your book to small groups in the congregation and urging them to order it and read for themselves. Again, thanks for listening to what the Spirit has to say to the churches."
This latest book by Edward Fudge is excellent in every way
The gripping drama of a lost world and of the Creator who will not let it go. “THE DIVINE RESCUE” is nothing less than the subtitle above promises. It is classic Fudge! This latest book by Edward Fudge is excellent in every way I can measure a book. Indeed it is a “gripping drama”. I found myself purposefully hurrying through the last paragraphs of pages eager to get to the next. It is the story of all stories told by a master wordsmith. Fudge begins the story before the beginning and ends it after the end. He masterfully covers all the bases, hitting all the high points of biblical revelation about God’s pursuit of sinful men, leaving no part of the drama untold. . . . Edward Fudge, as a master artist, begins this word-painting, and chapter after chapter, adds color and depth, clarity and meaning come into view, perfect highlights and the brush strokes of phrases bring to the eye the beauty of the love and grace of the Creator demonstrated in Jesus Christ. . . . From those who are new to the community of faith to the most celebrated Bible scholar, I recommend this latest book from my friend and mentor Edward Fudge. It would be a wonderful gift for a friend who is not yet a Christian as well. . . . I hope it is read around the world. Read more=>>.
You can’t believe how much I am enjoying and appreciating THE DIVINE RESCUE!
I'm in the midst of my morning Bible and devotional reading and just had to write you! You can't believe how much I am enjoying and appreciating THE DIVINE RESCUE! The way the book reads, is put together, and your personal insights go together to make it amazing! So many times I find myself asking, "Why didn't I know that?" or "How come I never saw that before?" God is using you abundantly, brother. Thank you for keeping me encouraged!
This book would make a wonderful gift
Edward Fudge unfolds the drama of the salvation story from Adam to the open gates of eternity. He writes in a scholarly style that can be understood by anyone seeking the truth. This book would make a wonderful gift for those searching for a better understanding of God's plan of salvation revealed in the Old Testament and carried out in the life, death and perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Edward Fudge continues to be one of my favorite Christian writers. I know without a doubt that I can depend on his writings to be Bible-based and God-inspired. As a Sunday School teacher, I continually depend on Mr. Fudge's work.
I found it hard to put the book down!
One of the best books that gives the Big Picture story of the Bible in a condensed form is "THE DIVINE RESCUE" by Edward Fudge. Edward communicates the story of Scripture in compelling and dramatic language (like a good novel, I found it hard to put the book down!), yet with excellent scholarship (it's definitely not "watered down" - his background information was insightful, profound, and "spot on" to what I learned in seminary). He covers Genesis to Revelation, and all with the Big Picture story in mind. You don't have to be a seminary student to understand it. But after reading it, you might have a deeper perspective on the Bible than most seminary grads have. Most of all, you will fall deeper in love with the Creator God and His amazing rescue of us from sin, death and darkness.
Reading this book will help you appreciate sublime truth in fresh ways
"Edward Fudge's light writing style and serious theological content will delight and enlighten you. The grand theme of Scripture is highlighted again and again - as God's grace through Christ's work for us is highlighted on every page of THE DIVINE RESCUE. Though we were dying and in need of new life, heaven's deliberate purpose across all human history has been to bring us to Christ. Reading this book will help you register and appreciate this sublime truth in fresh ways."
I read it all in a single sitting and was blown away!
"THE DIVINE RESCUE is the ultimate ‘once upon a time’ and ‘happily ever after’ story of the human race. I read it all in a single sitting and was blown away! Any other tale is a digression from the steadfast pursuit of a Father who runs ahead of us to be sure the gates of eternity are open when we all arrive there at the end."
This book is one of his finest. I recommend it highly
"I have come to respect Edward Fudge as an elder brother in the Lord of keen intellect and warm heart. This book is one of his finest. It brings out the Divine Rescue through Jesus in a way that is scholarly, heart-warming, and approachable for the average Christian. I recommend it highly."
Edward Fudge guides us through the sweetest of stories
"Edward Fudge guides us through the sweetest of stories--God's relentless pursuit of his fallen people. The drama is real. The drama is ours and, thanks to Edward, the drama is captured on paper."
Readers of all backgrounds can welcome and absorb
"Fudge balances personal reflection with orderly analysis, and often proffers the reader with succinct summaries of different positions on particularly difficult passages. Though the author has worked through the Greek text, he writes in a manner consistently accessible to the layman -- the result being a pleasant blend that readers of all backgrounds today can welcome and absorb."
The simplicity of depth
"Edward Fudge dissects the mysterious book of Hebrews with a stirring combination of practicality and scholarship. His goal seems to be the simplicity of depth. I think he hit his target!"
This commentary is brilliant
"I have long looked to Edward Fudge's writings and advice to assist me in the difficult job of presenting relevant biblical messages to our congregation week to week. I am thrilled that he has tackled Hebrews and left his wisdom in such a useful format for all of us to use in the years to come. This commentary is brilliant."
A very insightful, non-technical, devotional commentary
"Edward Fudge has written a very insightful, non-technical, devotional commentary on the Book of Hebrews. His recurring 'Why and Wherefore' sections provide excellent summaries of the text and explain the logical connections of sections to context. Today's Christian will find much helpful light in Fudge's commentary in opening up the meaning of a book often thought to be dark and difficult."
Both theologically responsible and practically helpful
"If you seek a commentary to strengthen your confidence in God's saving grace by the powerful example of Jesus raised and glorified, Edward Fudge on Hebrews will satisfy. With personal insights that address conditions in today's world, this commentary is thorough without being wordy. Avoiding a less-than-helpful dependence on what others have said, the author's adept use of original sources results in a reading of the text that is both theologically responsible and practically helpful. The one who wrote Hebrews did so to encourage. Edward Fudge has done the same."
His approach is refreshing and helpful
"Edward Fudge has skillfully bridged the gap between the world of the ancient text and the world of the contemporary believer who seeks to hear the voice of God through the pages of Scripture. He successfully conducts serious exegetical exploration without introducing overly-technical jargon or explicit citations of Greek vocabulary and syntax. Both the non-biblical studies specialist and the preacher-teacher will find his approach refreshing and helpful. Readers also will find valuable his concise, clear, and cogent discussion of thorny theological issues raised by the text of Hebrews."
I commend this book to all serious students of the word of God
"Fudge has written a concise, informative and thorough commentary. In 'problem' areas of the biblical text, he offers solutions, yet does not try to force his judgments upon the readers, challenging them all the while to think 'outside the box.' I commend this book to all serious students of the word of God."
Such an encouraging and accessible style
"Edward Fudge has highlighted the book of Hebrews in such an encouraging and accessible style that this book could be called a 'devotional commentary.' Fudge's passion for preaching Jesus in a manner that is easily understood shines through on each page."
I plan to use this commentary for personal devotions as well as preaching
"Blending accessible scholarship with a remarkable piety, Fudge addresses opposing interpretations of Scripture with fairness and balance. I plan to use this commentary for personal devotions as well as a reference for preaching."
Edward Fudge’s fresh version and interpretation
"If your congregation faces an aging membership, declining numbers, a shortage of volunteers, tension over a variety of issues and confusion over your neighbor's apparent apathy toward the church, then Hebrews has a good word for you. Edward Fudge's fresh version and interpretation faithfully witness to Jesus, the Ground Breaker of our faith, who is still working for us. This is the church's hope."
A significant help to both pastors and teachers
"We need more commentaries like this one, which is characterized by careful exegesis on the one hand and sound exposition on the other. It will be a significant help to both pastors and teachers."
Edward Fudge keeps the spotlight shining on Jesus Christ
"Insightful and reflective, this commentary makes the book of Hebrews a touchable, tangible word of encouragement for today. Throughout the journey, Edward Fudge keeps the spotlight shining on Jesus Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith."
All will benefit from his exegetical insights
"Believing that the biblical book of Hebrews has been pushed back in a corner and largely forgotten, Edward Fudge brushes away the dust and reopens this ancient 'word of encouragement.' Those who stand in the pulpit, those who sit in the pew and the non- Christian seeker all will benefit from his exegetical insights and relevant contemporary applications."
Fudge’s commentary is a momentous accomplishment
"Fudge's commentary on the Book of Hebrews is a momentous accomplishment that the Lord has given him the wisdom to write for His glory! It is a scholarly work, yet written in a simple, understandable and refreshing way, for believers today to be encouraged in their walk with Jesus and to fulfill all that He has called and gifted them to be and to do in His Kingdom."
This commentary is well worth reading
"This commentary on Hebrews achieves the author's purpose of providing 'Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today.' While the writer demonstrates familiarity with recent scholarship and rich insights, he has written in a style that does not require a terminal degree in theology to understand. The reader may disagree with some of the author's conclusions, as I do, but this commentary is well worth reading.
God has gifted Edward Fudge as a teacher
"God has gifted Edward Fudge as a teacher to make His word understandable to the student and challenging to the scholar. This commentary is the result of that gifting."
Laity and clergy alike will find it accessible and informative
"This work is informed by scholarly research but communicates clearly to the non- specialist. Laity and clergy alike will find it to be an accessible and informative guide through the rich and complex message of Hebrews."
One of the finest works on Hebrews that I have read
"This is one of the finest works on Hebrews that I have read. Fudge writes with a clear focus, steers clear of tangents, and captures the spirit of the letter. Demonstrating extensive research and sound scholarship, he writes for both the ordinary and the more accomplished student of Hebrews. Not shying away from controversial passages, he addresses them forthrightly, generally including his view with a careful acknowledgment of differing opinions."
Hebrews makes a lot more sense to me now
"Much imagery in the Epistle to the Hebrews is obscure to moderns. It is a book I try to avoid preaching on! But Edward Fudge clarifies the imagery and Hebrews makes a lot more sense to me now. I won't be so afraid of preaching on it!"
I am grateful for this practical and readable study
"In reading through this commentary, I have been impressed anew with a first- century preacher's ability to bring a positive word from God to Christians under stress. But it is in the nature of things for faith always to be under assault. Therefore I am grateful for this practical and readable study of Hebrews for this generation. Read it, and take heart for your own struggle."
A mandatory asset for both scholar and casual reader
"Fudge's skill as a biblical scholar, his pastoral love for people, and his career-long special interest in the book of Hebrews make this commentary a mandatory asset for both the scholar and the casual reader. My wife and I regularly use it as part of our devotions, something we do with no other commentary."
This book will be a staple for preachers and teachers
"This new commentary on Hebrews is a delight to read. Edward Fudge deftly handles the weightiest of theological material in a fresh and invigorating way, reminding us that Hebrews is indeed an encouraging word to Christians of any era. This book will be a staple for preachers and teachers of adult Bible classes."
This book would be high on my recommended list
"Readers at any level will profit from this author's always clear elucidation of the ancient Greek text and its English translations. I have read this commentary as critically and as carefully as any I've ever examined, and I have seen with fresh eyes how Jesus our high priest has gone outside the gate to serve and to heal a hurting world, and how he beckons us anew to follow him. If I had more classes to teach, more sermons to preach, or more translation teams to guide, this book would be high on my recommended list."
Engaging, accessible commentary
"Hebrews is not an easy book; in fact it often has been called a 'puzzle.' Yet, this difficult book contains a depth of teaching and a breadth of exhortation and of encouragement that can help Christ-followers endure, and stand in faith, in our very difficult world. Thus, we need more teachers and tools that clearly unpack the message of Hebrews, bringing that message to bear in relevant ways to the church today. While many will find points at which to differ with the interpretations offered, Edward Fudge writes clearly and applies the text pointedly in this engaging, accessible commentary."
Here is nourishing food for the soul
"Here is nourishing food for the soul. But behind the apparent simplicity of this commentary lies a meticulous examination of the original text, as well as judicious consideration of the conclusions of other exegetes."
Inspires greater spirituality in the heart of the reader
"Scholarly, refreshing, and packed full of encouragement for today's Christian. Eminently readable, this book is like having an enlightened friend walk with us through the challenges of life as reflected in this ancient book, all the while pointing us to the faithful Friend who will never leave us or forsake us. Coming out of the author's deeply spiritual heart, this book inspires greater spirituality in the heart of the reader. It is a joy to recommend it!"
An important and helpful resource
"This commentary takes account of the best in scholarship to serve ordinary thoughtful people, who will find here an important and helpful resource. The commentary is clear not only in language but also in discerning what is central to the book of Hebrews -- the human Jesus who is, at the same time, the very Son of God. In the process the author illumines the unique contribution of Hebrews in understanding the way and work of Christ."
This work is sure to be a favorite
"Finally, there is a commentary on the often-neglected Book of Hebrews that combines meticulous scholarship with readability and practical understanding. This work is sure to be a favorite of preachers, teachers, and Bible students alike."
Rediscover this ancient word of encouragement
"The Letter to the Hebrews is, theologically, aesthetically and pastorally, one of the richest writings penned by the earliest Christians but one of the most difficult to appreciate. With tremendous clarity and sensitivity, in what is plainly a labour of love, Edward Fudge invites modern believers to rediscover this ancient word of encouragement and its abiding relevance for the church of every age."
This readable and accessible commentary
"An expositor of Scripture needs to have a true love for the text and its author. Edward Fudge's love for Scripture shows on every page of this readable and accessible commentary, as does his skill in the art of interpretation."
You will be delighted by this book
"The book of Hebrews is such a tribute to Jesus, the man, the Son of God who accomplished 'so great a salvation' for us. If you've never studied Hebrews because you think it's too hard, you will be delighted by this book."
I am happy to commend to students and pastors alike
"The Epistle to the Hebrews provides one of the most original theological perspectives in the New Testament, and one of the least accessible. Edward Fudge goes a very long way toward aiding its accessibility. Through his study of the text, his attention to the long history of interpretation of this writing and his own wise pastoral applications, Fudge has written a guide to Hebrews that I am happy to commend to students and pastors alike."
Essential preparations for preaching Hebrews
"Edward Fudge promises reverent scholarship written for serious Bible students who seek scholarly content in non-technical terms. He holds true to his promise on every page. This book should be within arm's reach for every preacher, elder, Bible class teacher and student. I've just added this book to my short list of essential preparations for preaching Hebrews."
I heartily recommend this commentary
"Written by a scholar for lay people, this volume presents an interpretation that is clear and transparent. I heartily recommend this commentary as true to Scripture and balanced in explanation of Hebrews."
Readable, elegant prose
"Despite the great cloud of unknowns swirling about the book of Hebrews, Edward Fudge masterfully distills modern scholarly discussions into readable, elegant prose, putting top-shelf scholarship at eye-level, making it available to all. Saturated in covenant language and adept in biblical and non-biblical sources, Fudge is uniquely qualified to help his readers appreciate the rhetoric, heed the warnings and follow in the steps of the true saints."
A strong, theologically-informed exposition
"Fudge's commentary is a strong, theologically-informed exposition of one of the most challenging -- and ultimately encouraging -- books of the New Testament, that will be of especial help to preachers seeking to encourage contemporary believers."