ADAM WAS THE first man, and in many ways the rest of us have followed his example. He confessed to God when confronted in the Garden, “I was afraid … and hid” (Genesis 3:10). We, too, are prone to be fearful, though most of our fears are either unfounded or plain silly.
Jesus gives His disciples the assurance, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). Yet we are still afraid: of the Bomb, of a lesser war, of financial disaster. We are afraid of losing popularity, or a bit of prestige among associates, or a thousand other things.
We need to learn the lesson of I John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear.” Many of our fears tell on us-that we either do not love God as we should, or we do not believe Him when He says that He loves us.
In a dangerous storm at sea, the passengers were preparing to abandon ship. Suddenly someone discovered a little girl playing on a bed with her dolls. When asked if she were not afraid, she calmly replied with a toss of her little head, “No, the captain is my daddy!”
In the storms of life let us learn to say, “I’m not afraid. The Captain is my Daddy!”