Now that Springtime 1997 has come to Houston, I am trying a new exercise regimen. Rather than walking in the evening, I like to face the outdoors head-on at about 6:00 a.m. My neighborhood trek takes about an hour and covers three miles. The first mile is thoroughly residential. The next passes a couple of schools separated by soccer fields and baseball diamonds, then fades into open road surrounded by the Gulf Coast version of woods. The final mile completes an approximate circle through a different residential area and back home. At 6:00 a.m., God's world is on fresh display. I meet very … [Read more...]
Archives for 1997
September 1997 -- It is 6:30 a.m. and the camp bell announces wake-up in the Rockies. Three hundred feet from my cabin window, the cold waters of Pine Creek sing their unending song. This crisp Montana morning the thermometer indicates high 40's. I step outside to take in the view. The steep mountain peaks, dressed in fir, protect us in a tight circle. Elk roam these forests, and deer. Bears as well, and wildcats, along with raccoons and squirrels and other smaller creatures. Humans are the interlopers in this ancient and venerable scene. Some 50 adults and half that many children have made … [Read more...]
September 1997 -- This weekend I had the privilege of ministering the Word as guest of the Northside Church of Christ in Longview, Texas. Located southeast of Dallas and southwest of Texarkana, this spread-out town of approximately 70,000 is pleasantly situated among green rolling hills reminiscent of Middle Tennessee, which I consider the epitome of "God's country." Preaching minister Steve Barrett and wife Valorie serve the congregation with enthusiasm and devotion, and the brothers and sisters who compose this multi-gifted church also exercise mutual ministry with cheerful fervor and … [Read more...]
September 1997 -- We didn't have a time machine or a magic carpet, but we did take a whirlwind tour of 2,000 years of church history during four full hours this past Saturday in a seminar titled "Putting the Puzzle Together -- Together." My hosts were two Advent Christian churches in north-central Florida, where I also spoke three times on Sunday. Their gracious Christian hospitality sent me home Sunday night invigorated in spirit even if exhausted in body. I wish to thank Pastors Joe Currens and Butch Nelson in particular, for their hard work in planning, announcing and facilitating these … [Read more...]
August 1997 -- Sara Faye and I enjoyed 30 hours in a car together this past weekend, driving from our home in Houston to attend niece Leslie's wedding in Huntsville, Alabama, then back again to Texas. Three of my five siblings were there, plus Mom and stepfather Joe from Ohio, and we spent some fine time catching up all around. Sunday morning, I preached at Winchester Road Church of Christ as guest of my brother Henry, father of the bride, whose pulpit ministry God has blessed the past couple of years by doubling the size of his congregation from 55 to more than 100. Besides preaching, Henry … [Read more...]
July 1997 -- We took my wife's 85-year-old widowed mother home last week, to a little stone house in Tennessee which Granddad built for her 57 years ago and in which she has lived ever since. Sara Faye carried her by car to experience the transition, then stayed the remainder of the week to help her get readjusted. I flew to Nashville Saturday afternoon, and drove back to Houston with Sara Faye on Saturday night and Sunday. Back in Franklin, Tenn., we visited Granddad's grave, beside both of Grandma's parents, and next to a plot where Grandma will rest one day if Jesus doesn't come first. … [Read more...]
Last week (June 1997), son Jeremy left our driveway in suburban Houston to drive to Colorado for the summer, where he hoped to find work near a young lady who lately has become special in his life. It had not been 21 days since we watched him graduate from Baylor University with high honors, "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed," as my own Mother used to say (a squirrely expression if I ever heard one), with plans to attend the University of Texas Law School come September. As the familiar '87 Chevy Blazer left our driveway, Jeremy also left standing there two parents, a Grandma and an older sister … [Read more...]
April/May 1997 -- Yesterday we noted Paul's use of the Greek word poema (from which we get "poem") to describe God's workmanship in Creation (Rom. 1:20) and in his New Creation in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10). I described the divine handiwork in Creation, which we experienced recently in California. It aawed us into silence and then elicited outbursts of adoration. God's "poem" in his New Creation awed us as well these past eight days. For four days at Pepperdine, we joined an estimated 5,000 believers who packed the Fieldhouse twice each day to worship God in song and to enjoy soul-stirring … [Read more...]
April/May 1997 -- Our English word "poem" comes directly from the Greek poema which means "a piece of work," whether an act, deed or -- as in this instance -- a literary product. Paul uses this Greek word twice in the New Testament to describe God's workmanship. God's first "poem" is Creation itself (Rom. 1:20). His second "poem" is the redeemed life of women and men who constitute God's new creation in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10). These past eight days Sara Faye and I have thrilled to both of God's "poems." First at the Pepperdine University Annual Bible Lectures in Malibu, California, then … [Read more...]
March 1997 -- With praise and thanksgiving to God, I report on a full and fruitful weekend of ministry in North Alabama during Saturday-Sunday just past. Saturday morning the preachers and elders of the three sponsoring congregations in the Florence/Tuscumbia area met at 7 a.m. at an area restaurant for breakfast, fellowship and a time of prayer. I was privileged to join that meeting. Then, for four hours on Saturday, we examined many Scriptures from both Old and New Testaments regarding five truths. (1) God saved us once for all, in the perfect and finished atonement wrought by Jesus … [Read more...]