April/May 1997 — Yesterday we noted Paul’s use of the Greek word poema (from which we get “poem”) to describe God’s workmanship in Creation (Rom. 1:20) and in his New Creation in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:10). I described the divine handiwork in Creation, which we experienced recently in California. It aawed us into silence and then elicited outbursts of adoration.
God’s “poem” in his New Creation awed us as well these past eight days. For four days at Pepperdine, we joined an estimated 5,000 believers who packed the Fieldhouse twice each day to worship God in song and to enjoy soul-stirring sermons, attended some 200 classes held throughout the week, and imbibed Christian fellowship that warmed the soul while sun and ocean breeze refreshed the body.
I had the privilege of presenting three classes under the general title of “God at Work in You,” using Second Timothy 1:9-10 as a beginning text. These lessons, which set out God’s sovereignty and initiative in our salvation from eternity to eternity, focused on the truths that God saved us (in Jesus Christ, once for all, before we were even born); that he called us (in the good news of our salvation, by the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit); and that this all was according to divine purpose and grace given us before the world began (in the electing favor of the Father). For information concerning tapes of those classes, as well as all the other classes and sermons, contact David Gaylor, Gaylor MultiMedia, Inc., 804 Musket Trail, Nashboro Village, TN 37217. Telephone 615-361-3611.)
On Sunday, our hearts were further warmed and cheered in San Leandro, where a thoroughly multi-racial church visibly manifested the “one new person” in Christ which transcends all fleshly boundaries and classifications. Jesus has done what neither government nor culture can do, by creating a family composed of Caucasians and African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians. These brothers and sisters obviously love God and each other. Mark and Stacy Mullins, a very gifted husband-wife team, minister to that church, which was founded in 1939. They are assisted by Woody and Judy Square, an interracial couple who once served as missionaries in New Guinea. The congregation has six elder-shepherds, three white and three black.
This delightful congregation received with open hearts my Sunday morning Bible messages on “Seeking Intimacy with God ” and “Listening for the Voice of God.” On Sunday evening, an appreciable number returned to dialogue for about an hour and a half concerning the two lessons that morning. Our God reigns!