“Sure, God spoke to Noah, Isaac and Phillip,” we sometimes think. “But he would never speak to me.” Little wonder that when he does speak directly today, it is often a shocking experience. At my request, gracEmail subscriber Jack Outhier has reluctantly but kindly given me permission to relate his shocking encounter with the voice of God — and the good fruit that resulted from it. (Jack’s email address is jack.outhier@LegacySolutionsLLC.com)
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“I was driving alone. Suddenly, within my spirit, I felt moved to turn at an upcoming intersection to go ‘speak’ to a couple who lived nearby. I knew who they were but did not know them and had no idea what I would say. I struggled for a mile as I approached the intersection, my logic arguing with the Spirit’s leading. I sped past the intersection at about 70 m.p.h. when the next instant a voice boomed into the silence of my vehicle, ‘I SAID TURN!’ It was a loud and forceful demand that shocked me into slamming on my brakes and pulling off the road. I turned around and took the road He had first ‘nudged’ me to take.
“Pulling into the couple’s driveway, I was totally confused, scared and at an absolute loss of what to say. To my relief, no one answered the door and I headed back to my car. Then, as if a rubber and were pulling me, I was drawn around to the back of the house where I found them working in the garden. They were probably as confused as I was to see me walking back there.They knew who I was, but we had no common ties, had never visited and I now lived 100 miles away.
“We never even shook hands. I just began to speak, revealing things to them that I did not know and could not have known. That scared me to death and turned their faces white with shock. It was my voice but it was not my words. I spoke of their addiction to alcohol and drugs, naming places they frequented which I had never heard of. I named a man whose name I had never heard, with whom the wife was having an affair, and charged the husband with other sins. My ‘speaking’ went for about ten minutes while all the blood seemed to drain from their faces. When the words stopped coming out of my mouth I had no idea what to say next. I felt terrible for what I had said and simply departed, leaving them arguing, crying, screaming and denying as I left. For the next hour I drove in stunned silence. I dared not tell my own church what had transpired and had no one else to discuss this with.
“The next week the woman checked herself into treatment for chemical abuse and the man divorced her while she was in the hospital. Five years later this lady remarried and asked me to perform her wedding. During that interval she had given her heart and life to the Lord and I had baptized her into Christ. She had daughters who all led their husbands to Christ and are raising their children in the Lord. Last year the mom told me that 26 people are joyously walking a Christian walk today because of the voice I heard that day on the highway.”