life, free from Satan’s effective power (Rom. 6:1-4).
A. Satan’s power stops at the grave (6:7).
B. Jesus died and rose to live beyond the grave, out of Satan’s
reach (6:9-10).
C. We died and rose with Jesus, as evidenced by our baptism, and can
now ignore and defy Satan when he tempts (6:3-6).
D. We should reckon this to be the case and continually present our
bodies for obedience to God (6:11-14).
II. Being baptized into union with Jesus means we live by faith
although we never perfectly keep God’s law (Galatians 3:26-28).
A. Abraham was declared righteous by trusting God, and God promised
to bless people of all nations the same way (3:6-9).
1. No one ever becomes righteous by obeying God’s law because no
one obeys all of it perfectly all the time (3:10-14).
2. God’s promise to bless all nations was a one-sided covenant
which depended only on God; the Law involved a two-party
covenant which depended on the people living up to God’s
requirements (3:15-21).
3. Although the Law cannot save anyone, it prepares people to
hear the Gospel and put their trust in Christ (3:22-25).
B. We are God’s children by faith, baptized into union with Christ
and heirs of God’s promise to Abraham (3:26-28).
III. Being baptized into union with Jesus means we live complete in
Jesus without fearing any hostile powers of the universe
(Colossians 2:10-15).
A. Jesus fully embodies all that God is and means to us (2:3, 9).
B. He has conquered all hostile powers and rules over all powers
(2:10, 15).
C. We are complete in Jesus, baptized into union with him,
trusting God’s power who raised him from the dead (2:12-14).