With the Flood, order reverts to chaos and creation is undone. Outside the Ark beneath the silent primordial ocean, the earth again is formless and empty of breathing life. Soon will come a new creation--as was the first, wakened by breath or wind of God. Like the first creation, it emerges step-by-orderly-step out of the primordial Deep, following the general pattern of the Six Days of Genesis 1:3-31, to become the home of a new creation and a rescued humankind. Just as the spirit (or Spirit) of God originally hovered over the chaotic and oceanic Deep (Gen. 1:2), now a "wind" from God … [Read more...]
Surrendering to a new masterI. Baptism in Jesus' Name Means Surrendering to Jesus Based on Who He Is: the Prophesied Messianic Lord Whose Resurrection Presages Divine Salvation From Sin and the Arrival of the Last Days (Acts 2:14-38). A. The occasion: first gospel proclamation/conversion of Jews. B. The proclamation: Jesus (14-36). C. The response: conviction (37). D. The apostolic reply (38-39). 1. Repent (plural) and be baptized (singular) for forgiveness of sins (plural) and receive the Holy Spirit (plural). 2. "In the name of Jesus Christ" (epi- based upon … [Read more...]
I. The Gospel is Not "Good Do's" (Moralisms) or "Good Views" (Doctrinal Systems), but "Good News" (Evangel). Not History, Commands, Exhortations or Prophecy, but an Announcement. A. Isa. 43:10-13 - God declares, saves and proclaims. B. 2 Tim. 1:9 - God foretold, saved and called us. II. The Good News is the Announcement that God has Forgiven us and Made Us His Friends, and That He Will Finally Restore All That Has Gone Wrong in His Universe. A. Eph. 1:13 - It is the "good news" of our salvation! B. Eph. 1:10; Rom. 8 - God will sum up and redeem "all things." III. There are … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes, "Jesus says that 'no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit' (John 3:5). I have heard for many years that this means that unless you are baptized, you cannot be saved. Is this a reference to baptism in water?" * * * Every human is born "of water" or "of flesh" into this world, and has a nature that "is flesh." Only those "born from above" are born "of Spirit" and have a regenerated nature that "is spirit." Every one of us needs spiritual regeneration by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. Receiving Christ by faith is a sure … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes, "Jesus says that 'no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit' (John 3:5). I have heard for many years that this means that unless you are baptized, you cannot be saved. Is this a reference to baptism in water?" * * * These words are part of a conversation between Jesus and a ruling Pharisee named Nicodemus, in which Jesus challenges the assumption of the Jewish establishment that fleshly birth into Israel also obtains a ticket into the Kingdom of God (see also John 8:33; Matt. 3:9). The whole conversation contrasts earthly … [Read more...]
Text: John 4:43-54. Purpose: To grow in faith by seeing this example of faith which grew. To see the development in John's Gospel of faith among the Gentiles, and to understand the superiority of faith which does not depend on signs and wonders. Introduction In a world which honors "first's," many noble "second's" often go unnoticed. Students in history do not remember the second person who invented something; highest praise is reserved for the first breaker of athletic records, the first man to the moon, the first woman who achieves high office. It is possible that a wonderful … [Read more...]
Psalm 118:22-23 foretells Jesus' rejection by others, as it portrays the rejected building stone which God selects and uses as the cornerstone for his Temple (Matt. 21:42; Acts 4:11-12; Eph. 2:19-22; 1 Pet. 2:4-8). Psalm 16:7-11 expresses the faith of a righteous man that God will have the final word over death, and it is fulfilled in Jesus' resurrection from the dead (Acts 2:31-32; 13:34-37). Although the New Testament does not make the point, Jesus' ascension and entry into heaven then fulfill the scene portrayed in Psalm 24:7-10, which is the reward of the godly life described in Psalm … [Read more...]
Someone asks: "When did the early church actually make a shift from the Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday? We see disciples meeting on Sunday in Acts 20, and a reference by John to the Lord's Day in Rev 1. Was this change commanded by God, or was it to celebrate the Resurrection and to honor Him because of that?" * * * The historical data is found in various books on the topic. Scripture gives no hint that God commanded Sunday observance. It seems strictly to have been a commemorative decision by early Christians celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, and perhaps also the descent of the Spirit on … [Read more...]
GracEmail subscribers in several countries and in different denominations have asked what the Bible teaches about tithing, and whether Christians are required to give one-tenth of their income to the church. * * * The Law of Moses required the Jews to set aside a tithe (one-tenth) of their agricultural produce to support the Levites, the priestly tribe that did not receive a land inheritance. The Levites then gave a tenth from their tenth to support the priests (Lev. 27:30; Num. 18:21-29). The tithe also supported aliens, orphans and widows throughout Israel and provided a feast to celebrate … [Read more...]
One Life, Death & Judgment
"As It Is Appointed Unto Men... "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many: and unto them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation (Hebrews 9:27-28). What a familiar text -- but how often its chief meaning has escaped notice through sheer familiarity! You live once, die once and are judged once. That is the author's first statement, and it is very important. But it is not his chief point in this passage. And if that primary point is not given first importance, the … [Read more...]