Based on Who He Is: the Prophesied Messianic Lord Whose
Resurrection Presages Divine Salvation From Sin and the
Arrival of the Last Days (Acts 2:14-38).
A. The occasion: first gospel proclamation/conversion
of Jews.
B. The proclamation: Jesus (14-36).
C. The response: conviction (37).
D. The apostolic reply (38-39).
1. Repent (plural) and be baptized (singular) for
forgiveness of sins (plural) and receive the Holy
Spirit (plural).
2. “In the name of Jesus Christ” (epi- based upon who
Jesus is and what he has done).
II. Baptism in Jesus’ Name Means Coming Into Relation to
Jesus as the Powerful Lord who Conquers Satan and Brings
God’s Messianic Kingdom (Acts 8:12-16).
A. The occasion: first gospel proclamation/conversion of
B. The powerful proclamation: Jesus (5-7, 12).
C. The conversion response: faith and baptism (12, 16).
“In the name of the Lord Jesus” (eis- into relationship with).
D. The aftermath: Holy Spirit later given through apostolic
hands (14-16).
III. Baptism in Jesus’ Name Means Obeying the One By
Whom God Forgives Believers and Will Judge the World
(Acts 10:34-48).
A. The occasion: first gospel proclamation/conversion of
Gentiles (Acts 10:34-48).
B. The proclamation: Jesus (34-43).
C. God gives the Spirit to faith (44-47).
D. Peter commands water baptism in the name of Jesus
(en- by the authority of).
IV. Baptism in Jesus’ Name Means Committing to Live as a
Representative of Jesus Thereafter (Acts 9:14-18; 22:16).
V. Baptism in Jesus’ Name is Not a Mere Formula, but Means
Entrusting Oneself to Jesus Who Gives the Spirit (Acts
VI. Baptism in Jesus’ Name Means Invoking His Name in Prayer
While Being Baptized (Acts 22:16).
VII. Baptism in Jesus’ Name Means Yielding Allegiance to
Jesus Who Was Crucified, and Who Permits No Lesser
Sectarian Loyalties (1 Cor. 1:10-17).