I recently referred in passing to “the gay agenda” without defining what I meant, possibly suggesting (incorrectly) that people of same-sex orientation all are participants in some secret and sinister conspiracy. I have apologized for my carelessness and will now define the expression as I meant it.
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One cannot read the morning paper or watch the evening news for many days without realizing that a number of influential homosexual men and women, joined by a sizeable group of sympathetic heterosexuals, are vigorously pursuing what they consider to be important political and social goals. Some of these very people speak of the achievement of those goals as “the gay agenda.”
This unofficial agenda includes at least three major objectives: (1) the acceptance and normalization of same-sex intimacy within American culture; (2) legally-mandated preferential protection for gay people; and (3) legalization of marriages and/or civil unions for same-sex couples. (This information is found on proponents’ websites, which are easily found by “googling” the term “gay agenda.”)
When I previously mentioned “the gay agenda,” I intended the same meaning that phrase has when it is used by some of its proponents. I suggest no conspiratorial plot and imply no nefarious scheme. I do not even claim that every person of same-sex orientation necessarily agrees with the three social and legal goals which this unofficial agenda seeks to achieve.
My earnest desire is to be fair and kind to all people, while being faithful to the teaching of Scripture (today also a subject of hot dispute). Each time I study biblical teaching regarding sexual conduct, I conclude that God has ordained marriage between one man and one woman as a sanctuary for the enjoyment of sexual relations, and that those intimate relations are prohibited outside of that safe haven. I also remember that we all are sinners in need of God’s grace. And no sinner ever has good reason to be self-righteous, beginning with the sinner writing these words.