A Christian Church preacher writes, "You do not believe that baptism is part of the introduction to the Way of life. I'm saying that you're not a Christian until you have been buried with Christ in baptism and raised to walk in new life. If I'm understanding you correctly, please quit sending me your excellent daily devotionals." * * * No matter how many times and ways I insist that baptism is part of the New Testament way of conversion, the initial declaration of trust in Jesus' atonement, the expression of repentance, and the manifestation of one's intent to follow Jesus in discipleship, … [Read more...]
I recently referred in passing to "the gay agenda" without defining what I meant, possibly suggesting (incorrectly) that people of same-sex orientation all are participants in some secret and sinister conspiracy. I have apologized for my carelessness and will now define the expression as I meant it. * * * One cannot read the morning paper or watch the evening news for many days without realizing that a number of influential homosexual men and women, joined by a sizeable group of sympathetic heterosexuals, are vigorously pursuing what they consider to be important political and social goals. … [Read more...]
Following the inauguration of President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009, I wrote a gracEmail urging Americans of all parties to unite behind him so far as their convictions allow, but especially to pray for him and all others in positions of power. Nearly 60 of you responded, most affirming the basic message. I also mentioned in passing that I did not support "the gay agenda." (I have since deleted that phrase.) Five readers questioned the use of that phrase. One person denounced my "hate message" and "poison-pen gay-bashing notes," called me an "idiot" and warned of "a special place in hell … [Read more...]
A reader says he has "serious doubts" about the gracEmail which counseled a couple in search of a church home. "Finding a place you feel comfortable will not be the answer," he wrote. "Above all you will have to follow God's will and his word. Sitting in a chicken house will not make you a chicken and sitting in some church that makes you feel warm and fuzzy will not make you a Christian. Where do you preach and worship? I hope you remember that your answers to people will be held to your account." * * * Good brother, I did not say one should look for a place that makes you feel warm and … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber tells me it is his God-given duty to straighten me out, saying: "You are good at answering questions that have no biblical language such as 'is baptism necessary.' How about this one: 'Is baptism for the forgiveness of sins?' Why don't use use the words of the apostles to answer the questions about baptism instead of your own words? You never have answered my questions about whether Naaman was required to dip seven times before being clean. Are you going to dismiss his command because Abraham or Moses was never told to do it?" * * * I answered the question "Is baptism … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes: "You get a question, then answer it like this: In the first paragraph you say, lawyer-like, 'It might be this way.' In the second paragraph you say, 'It might be that way.' In the third paragraph you say, 'Love, joy, grace, Jesus and little gray squirrels.' Why can't you just say 'Yes' or 'No?'" * * * On some subjects, as least, I plead guilty as charged. For the record, I began preaching and teaching Scripture in 1961 and was not licensed as an attorney until 1988. However, for 27 years I was often accused of talking like a lawyer, even when I had no thought … [Read more...]
A church acquaintance with whom I grew up in North Alabama nearly a half century ago wrote recently to tell me that I am preaching "another gospel" which is no gospel at all, for which I will be eternally lost, and that he knows that I "know better" than my expressed convictions on a variety of religious issues. * * * This unhappy gentleman is representative of a category of people who place their hope in a particular religious organization or in a system of man-made doctrine and whose allegiance naturally follows their hope. Missing is an understanding that Jesus really is our Savior, that … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes: "What you say are Bible truths but they are not all of the truth. In addition to belief, immersion is necessary for salvation. To preach a half truth is to preach a lie. I am sorry for all the elders who invite you into their flock. I pray for those who will be subjected to your false teaching. There comes a time when a man needs to be rebuked and reproved. I am trying to do that in a spirit of love and concern as your very soul is at risk." * * * I do appreciate your concern for me and your desire to speak in a spirit of love. However, I fear that you are … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber complains that I am "cluttering up" his email with my "grace-only teaching." * * * I do not use the term "grace only," but I am glad that you did, because it states an important truth. That truth is that we sinners cannot, through any amount of effort, obedience, good intentions or good works, ingratiate ourselves to God, place him in our debt, or create a situation which requires God to treat us well because of something we did first (Rom. 11:33-36). In this most elementary sense, we are set right with God on the basis of "grace only" -- both now and in the Day of … [Read more...]
An agitated Christian Church preacher responded as follows to a notice about my book, THE FIRE THAT CONSUMES. "Jesus made a pronouncement of sorts about hell, and I suggest that you and this growing number of 'scholars' you mention familiarize yourselves with it. It's found in Matthew 25:31-46 in the New Testament, a book written by God. What is it about the word aionios [eternal] that you don't understand?" * * * The purpose of THE FIRE THAT CONSUMES (the title comes from Hebrews 12:29 and Deuteronomy 4:24) is to search the Scriptures, and it examines about 1,000 verses from Genesis to … [Read more...]