Finding their Voices: Sermons by Women in the Churches of Christ, edited by D’Esta Love (ACU Press, 2015), 254 pages. This new book not only relates history, it also makes history, preserving sermons of 29 women from Churches of Christ, a new notion during the past 100+ years among this fellowship, although its earliest days saw more than one woman evangelist on the American frontier.
The editor was Pepperdine University’s first chaplain, and I applaud Pepperdine for leading the way in that regard. A more personal point of interest to me is that four of the 29 women who speak for God here had direct connections with Bering Drive Church of Christ in Houston, my church family now for 33 years, one of whom is my daughter. I can speak with personal experience from the inside, therefore, in saying that the motivation and rationale for welcoming the word of God from our sisters can be (and for many of us, is) based on long, thorough and prayerful study of scripture. (Perhaps more on that later.) That led us in turn to welcome preaching and teaching based on divine giftedness and not on gender.
Read these sermons and hear–not just women speaking–but women speaking messages from God, given (as always) to build up bind up, and stir up his sons and daughters alike. To order, go to: www.acupressbooks.com
Congratulations to gracEmail subscriber Jeff Christian on being selected to contribute a powerful videotaped presentation to the popular TED Talks series. Jeff filmed his tallk last month before a live audience at Abilene Chriatian University. I am happy to say that this remarkable man is my friend and the regular preacher in our home congregation, Bering Drive Church of Christ in Houston, Texas. Jeff’s personal story is both powerful and poignant. It will touch you, move you, and probably change your life. To hear this stirring message, go to: www.youtube.com/Ted
Mike McHenry is a humble and committed servant of Jesus Christ.For several years he has either filmed, edited, and/or uploaded on line all my available video teaching, working with others to obtain best results when using old recordings created by others. Many of you have met Mike at Tulsa, Lipscomb, or Bering Drive Church.. He maintains a channel on YouTube, which includes my video teaching as well as some from Mark Lanier’s Bible class, some from Desmond Ford in Australia, plus music from his composer/singer wife Pamela McHenry.
Recently Mike told me he would like to film me reading a few gracEmails and include them on his channel. It sounded like a good way to expand the reach and the fruitfulness of gracEmail, two results that aways ring my chimes, and the first one is now online at: www.youtube.com/gracEmail
Mike suggests that if you like this brief video, please indicate the same using the “thumbs up” symbol at the site, which helps the YouTube statistics for the video.