THE TENTH DAY OF JUNE IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. A PLACE IN HISTORY Finding their Voices: Sermons by Women in the Churches of Christ, edited by D'Esta Love (ACU Press, 2015), 254 pages. This new book not only relates history, it also makes history, preserving sermons of 29 women from Churches of Christ, a new notion during the past 100+ years among this fellowship, although its earliest days saw more than one woman evangelist on the American frontier. The editor was Pepperdine University's first chaplain, and I applaud Pepperdine for leading the way in that … [Read more...]
afterlife discussion has nine lives
A recent gracEmail titled "Boy Who Told Fibs About Heaven" told of 16-year-old Alex Malarkey's announcement that his book, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven (co-written with dad, Kevin), was untrue. Alex never went to heaven, he now says, but rather as a six-year-old made up the whole story to get attention. The gracEmail noted three major elements in Alex's story that contradict biblical teaching--always a clear warning for discerning readers. The gracEmail generated double the usual number of responses, including one from Mark Albrecht of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Mark is a delightful … [Read more...]
Chapter 4 And in my Father’s Image
Following is chapter 4 from Edward’s autobiographical book, The Sound of His Voice: Discovering the Secrets of God’s Guidance. In this chapter he remembers his father -- Benjamin ("Bennie") Lee Fudge (1914-1972) -- the unique, colorful publisher, author, preacher and always disciple of Jesus Christ. Copyright 1995 by Edward Fudge. For more information or to order The Sound of His Voice, click here Chapter 4 And in my Father's Image There have been Fudges since at least the 12th or 13th century in England. Although I cannot prove it, I am confident that my ancestor Jacob … [Read more...]
Chapter One: The Sound of His Voice
An Inner Nudge With a child-like heart of love, At thy bidding may I move, Prompt to serve and follow Thee -- Loving Him who first loved me. -Jane E Leeson As a civil trial lawyer in Houston, Texas, I frequently encounter tough characters. A few years now into this beat, gruff judges no longer frighten me and frowning juries do not send an automatic chill down my spine. Even blustery attorney adversaries, those who can't complete a sentence without cursing and who willfully obstruct my efforts at every turn, normally leave me unruffled. That said, nothing had prepared me … [Read more...]
Review of Larry Dixon: The Other Side of the Good News
Book Review of: The Other Side of the Good News: confronting the contemporary challenges to Jesus' teaching on hell by Larry Dixon (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1984, cloth, 315 pages). One of the earlier responses to The Fire That Consumes after its appearance in 1982 was this volume by Larry Dixon. As it happened, looking back from 25+ years later, Dixon's work ranks high among traditionalist responses in terms of its tone, its scholarship and its candor. However, it shares most weaknesses common to books defending the traditionalist view, as this review points out … [Read more...]
Review of Robert A Morey: Death and the Afterlife
Book Review of: Death and the Afterlife by Robert A. Morey (Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1984, cloth, 315 pages). One of the first books written in response to The Fire That Consumes after its appearance in 1982 was this volume by Robert A. Morey. The author of several books, Morey self-identifies as an apologist for orthodox Christianity and an exposer of cultic and non-Christian religions. Morey's zeal is beyond question, although his research and reasoning are not, as pointed out in the review that follows. As used here, a "conditionalist" is a person who holds that, … [Read more...]
Article about Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today
This article was requested by Leaven Magazine after Edward's presentations at Pepperdine University Lectures in May 2009. We know little about the original setting of the Book of Hebrews. We do not know its author, audience or the location of either. We cannot say when it was written or exactly why. We do know that it was written to professing believers who were experiencing a crisis of faith. Their crisis had several possible causes, including persecution, weariness, temptation, boredom and lack of knowledge (10:32-34; 3:12-13; 5:12-14; 6:11-12; 10:32-34; 12:3). With second … [Read more...]
Chatting with the author
Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today A neglected book Q: Hebrews is not a book we hear discussed very often. Why do you suppose that is the case? EWF: You are right about that. This neglect is very unfortunate, in my view, because Hebrews is one of the most Jesus-focused, gospel-packed books in the New Testament. You will see the evidence for that on almost every page of Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today. Q: Why do most people miss this focus? EWF: It comes from a lack of careful study of Hebrews. Folks go away from it without ever … [Read more...]
Review by Sean Palmer: blog
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 20/03/2009 by Sean Palmer blog, Redwood City, Calif. 20 March 2009 Mention the Book of Hebrews and many Christians start to yawn or even to nod. Mention commentaries, and they practically begin to snore. One would think, therefore, that a commentary on Hebrews would leave them out cold on the floor. In fact, this new book (due out for Pepperdine Bible Lectures in May) by Edward Fudge, my friend and former elder in Houston, is certain to waken the whole lot, and set their feet to dancing with joy! For at least three … [Read more...]
Review by Scott Saboy on his blog
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 22/03/2009 by Scott Saboy, Philippines 22 March 2009 Lawyer-theologian Edward William Fudge is one of the Christian writers I greatly admire not only for his wisdom-packed writing but also for his humility and his genuine love for people. Although associated with the (Stone-Campbell) Church of Christ, he has steered clear of the sectarian bent of many in his denomination and has served Christians in other church groups. His website,, is a rich resource for Christians seeking answers to various … [Read more...]