Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today Abilene, Texas: Leafwood Publishers, 2009. 262 pages. Christian Chronicle, by Linda King In what he calls a “bridge commentary” on the book of Hebrews, Edward Fudge attempts to bridge three gaps in Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today. First is the gap between academic specialists and lay readers. The commentary relies on Greek text but contains no Greek. Second are the gaps among different versions of the English Bible. The commentary supplies its own unique translation based upon the commonalities of … [Read more...]
Review by Royce Ogle
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 23/03/2009 Grace Digest blog, by Royce Ogle This entry was posted on March 23, 2009 at 8:30 pm. In church of Christ circles Edward Fudge is both despised and loved but one thing everyone, including those outside of churches of Christ, can agree on is Edward’s consistant, life long habit of putting the focus of his message and ministry on Jesus Christ our Lord. I became acquanted with Edward Fudge upon the recommendation of a friend who disagreed with some of my teaching but did so in a loving way. He thought I would … [Read more...]
Review by Jay Guin: One in Jesus blog
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 22 March 2009 Jay Guin, One in Jesus blog, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Posted on March 22, 2009 I’ve just finished reading an advance copy of Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today, by Edward Fudge. Most readers will be familiar with Br. Fudge, who occasionally comments here and authors the popular GracEmails. Edward has using the Internet to teach the grace of God since 1996. (It’s unthinkable that Edward received no mention in the Theobloggers awards. I would gladly give up my nomination — plus two of Patrick … [Read more...]
Review by Mcgarvey Ice
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 29 March 2009 by Mcgarvey Ice, Director of Public Services at Disciples of Christ Historical Society, Nashville, Tennessee In short, I highly recommend Edward Fudge’s new commentary on Hebrews. I have found it intellectually rigorous, exegetically responsible, theologically rich and pastorally sensitive. I review this book from the perspective of one who has taught Hebrews on numerous occasions in both academic and congregational settings. In my own ministry I have attempted to do what Fudge proposes to do in this … [Read more...]
Review by Keith Brenton
Book Review: Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today 21/03/2009 by Keith Brenton March - April, 2009 First Published in New Wineskins Magazine In the opening words of this work, author Edward Fudge explains: "This commentary is written for the serious Bible student who seeks scholarly content in non-technical terms. As such, it bridges a gap that many commentaries simply ignore." I like to consider myself such a student, and he has achieved his goal. Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today is neither pedantic nor pedestrian, but vibrant in its simplicity … [Read more...]
The Sound of His Voice
Discovering the Secrets of God's Guidance Does God still guide and lead his people today? Indeed, he does, and this stirring volume describes Edward's encounters with the living God along the winding road of his own spiritual journey over 50 years. It will also inspire you to seek and to expect divine direction in your own life. The book focuses on practical ways that God leads his people, some channels of his divine guidance. Revised and enlarged from the original title, Beyond The Sacred Page. $10.95 + S&H ORDER ORDER The Sound of His Voice here. Amazon | Barnes and … [Read more...]
Two Views of Hell
A Biblical & Theological Dialogue (IVP Academic, 2000, softcover, 228 pages). Printed Book = See Below for ordering information Also available on Kindle - $9.99 Some evangelicals hold that the wicked will experience perpetual, conscious torment after death. Others argue that the wicked will experience a limited period of conscious torment and then their existence will come to an end. In this book you will find a frank debate between two evangelical theologians who present strong scriptural and theological evidence for and against each view. Robert Peterson defends the … [Read more...]
Bible scholars and church leaders endorse
HEBREWS: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today by EDWARD WILLIAM FUDGE … [Read more...]
Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today
by EDWARD WILLIAM FUDGE Foreword by Haddon W. Robinson Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today is a "bridge" commentary -- delivering the best insights of contemporary scholarship in understandable, non-technical language. The author of Hebrews used four Psalms as a framework to re-tell the story of Jesus to a disheartened audience that was tempted to walk away. The same structure and intense focus on Jesus permeates and empowers this narrative commentary, bringing fresh encouragement to believers today.An international spectrum of Bible scholars and church leaders commend the … [Read more...]
It has been my privilege in recent years first to become acquainted with and then to grow to appreciate the work of Al Maxey as a preacher and as a writer. Those who have heard him teach at the Tulsa Workshop and elsewhere, or who have regularly read his studious e-mailings, know precisely what I mean. Having invested his life in ministry among the "mainline" and even some of the more "conservative" Churches of Christ, Al understands his audience and stands with them in mind and heart. He appreciates their concerns, shares their love of Scripture, and speaks their language in teaching it. It … [Read more...]