THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A gracEmail subscriber writes, Does God ever just give up on one of his children? Is it possible that we can continue to do something so evil that God finally decides that there is no hope for us and that we are not worth saving? *** If God based his attitude toward us on what he sees in us, he would have given up long ago on us all. Our confidence is not in our ability to love God, or to obey him, or even to repent without sinning in the process. Our confidence is in Gods gospel promise that he … [Read more...]
THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. The third international Rethinking Hell conference will be held on October 7th-8th, 2016, at the Highgate International Church in Highgate, London. Hosted by Justin Brierley, this will be an occasion for evangelicals to consider the case for Conditional Immortality, and the movement's ongoing direction. This year, the theme of the conference is Conditional Immortality: Past, Present, Future. Plenary speakers will be Roger Forster, David Instone-Brewer, and Chris Date. The conference will be held on … [Read more...]
THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A gracEmail subscriber asks why the New Testament speaks of the Christian as Gods child in two senses-- by birth and also by adoption. *** Any answer we give to the question why scripture-writers do something must be speculative unless the text involved states the motivation. Furthermore, New Testament language is often richly nuanced and involves several layers of meaning. This is in contrast to much popular evangelical teaching, which tends to be overly-simplistic and overly-literalistic. The … [Read more...]
THE ELEVENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. Paul's perspective. We are familiar with the lists of instructions to various members of the household in Paul's epistles to the Ephesians and Colossians. Paul is not writing in a vacuum but in a context. Preachers of various philosophies had been teaching their ideas of the ideal household for centuries before Paul. Following are excerpts from a recent posting titled 'Household Codes,' by David B. Capes, gracEmail subscriber and Academic Dean of Houston Graduate School of Theology. Dr. Capes looks at the … [Read more...]
THE FOURTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. The table is spread and the meal is served. Guests are united in the human race to which they all belong, resplendent as the rainbow of complexions that make their faces shine. Hues of black intermingle with tones of yellow, juxtaposed by shades of white and red and brown. Guests exchange pleasantries and self-introductions a sentence long, in the process discover diversity of a deeper quality. Their time on earth was marked by a range of social, economic, and professional positions: farmers, teachers, … [Read more...]
THE TWENTY-EIGHTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. This update is coming to you from Sara Faye, scribe, and me, "dictator." Following successful back surgery on Monday August 15, and three nights at Methodist Hospital West in Katy, I moved to Memorial Hermann Rehab Hospital Katy with expected return home on September 3. I am grateful to God for his presence with my surgeon whose skill has taken away my leg pain. I am grateful to you, my gracEmail family, for your prayers and emails expressing good wishes. Many thanks also, for prayers, cards, visits, and … [Read more...]
Family Notes 24/08/2016
THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. When the Peoples Republic of China was founded in 1949, the nation had 500,000 Christians. Add 70 years of official governmental oppression, and today Christians number more than 60,000,000. At that rate, by 2030 we can expect to see 200,000,000 Christians in Communist China, says Purdue University sociologist Fenggang Yang, making it home to the largest Christian population in the world. What is going on? CHINA'S CHRISTIAN FUTURE By Yu Jie The beginnings of this immense growth can be traced back to two … [Read more...]
THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A preacher spoke about Jesus's parable of the sower (Matt. 13). Jay had two questions, which he asked his mother Marti. Marti was emailing my mother and casually mentioned Jay's questions to her. Mom was writing to my wife Sara Faye and, by the way, asked her to ask me how I would answer if asked. I felt asked, since Sara Faye said that Mother said that Marti said that Jay said that the preacher said that Matthew said that Jesus said in Matthew 13, that everyone who did not sow good seed would be … [Read more...]
Family Notes 17/08/2016
THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A TOUR OF MY WEBSITE It occurs to me that many gracEmail subscribers might never have explored my website, . Hoping to entice you to do so, I give you the following list of the helpful resources it contains. The materials listed below include thousands of pages and represent decades of work. START at the HOME PAGE. That is located at THERE YOU WILL FIND -- Our testimony to God's faithfulness Info about "Hell and Mr Fudge" … [Read more...]
Family Notes 15/08/2016
THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER'S HEALING God's will is on the side of health, wholeness, and salvation. The English words "hale," "health," and "whole" share common roots. When the Gospels tell stories of Jesus forgiving sins and healing the sick, the words translated "heal" and "save" often translate the same Greek word. The authoritative name of Jesus is given to us for both health and salvation (Acts 3). Jesus' atonement procured both those blessings, and Isaiah 53 is fulfilled in them both (Matt. 8:17; Acts … [Read more...]