California fundamentalist pastor John MacArthur recently sponsored an anti-charismatic conference. His promotion of the event included MacArthur's blanket condemnation of Pentecostals and charismatics in general. Not only are charismatics the fastest-growing element in the global Church, they (and their sympathizers) are some of the most highly-respected evangelical pastors, teachers and other leaders today-- including Gordon Fee, John Piper, Francis Chan, Mark Driscoll, Matt Chandler, Wayne Grudem, and Donald A. Carson. But we are very close to the scene. How, we might ask, would the 17th … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes, following a gracEmail fun quiz on "Holiness, Pentecostals, Charismatics," asking what the similarities and differences are in those three groups. * * * John and Charles Wesley were present at a prayer meeting on Fetter Lane in London when, about 3:00 o'clock in the morning of January 1, 1739, the power of God was poured out in what later came to be known as "the Methodist Pentecost." In the beginning, the Methodists or Wesleyans were very expressive in their religious fervor (some others referred to them as "shouting Methodists") and deeply committed to "Bible … [Read more...]
Someone asks: "What is the point of the signs that Jesus says will follow those who believe (Mk. 16:17-18)? Is this promise still applicable today?" . . . In some manuscripts of Mark's Gospel, this promise is part of Jesus' parting commission to his followers before he went back to heaven. Jesus promises that "signs" will follow "those who believe" -- expelling demons, speaking with new tongues, healing the sick and immunity from snake-bite and poisonous drinks. Who are "those who believe" in this promise? When we consider the Apostles' own persistent unbelief and hardness of heart following … [Read more...]
Someone asks about the "signs" that Jesus said would accompany his gospel as it spreads through the world. Mark 16:17-18 mentions casting out demons, speaking with new tongues, healing the sick and immunity from snakebite and from poison. Do these things still happen today? * * * In the oldest Greek manuscripts, Mark 16 ends at verse 8. The rest of the chapter has some ancient textual authority, however, and it is consistent with other New Testament teaching. Anyone who quotes Mark 16:15-16 should accept verses 17-18 as equally genuine. Jesus is not here describing "Reverend Barnum's … [Read more...]
Someone asks about the "signs" that Jesus said would accompany his gospel as it spreads through the world. Mark 16:17-18 mentions casting out demons, speaking with new tongues, healing the sick and immunity from snakebite and from poison. Do these things still happen today? * * * In the oldest Greek manuscripts, Mark 16 ends at verse 8. The rest of the chapter has some ancient textual authority, however, and it is consistent with other New Testament teaching. Anyone who quotes Mark 16:15-16 should accept verses 17-18 as equally genuine. Jesus is not here describing "Reverend Barnum's … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber who goes to other countries to preach wishes that he had the gift of tongues, so he would not need a translator. A different subscriber asks what is meant by the New Testament gift of tongues. * * * Scripture speaks of supernaturally-empowered languages (glossai = tongues) both human and angelic (1 Cor. 13:1). We see examples of divinely-given human language at Pentecost (Acts 2), at Cornelius' house (Acts 10) and perhaps at Ephesus (Acts 19). Angelic language seemingly is a metaphor for a supernatural prayer vocabulary. This grace-gift (charisma), facilitates praise … [Read more...]
A brother from a Baptist church in North Carolina writes, "My view has been that only the apostles had authority to bestow spiritual gifts through the laying on of hands, but I've had to rethink that in the light of other passages of Scripture. What do you think, based on your study of Scripture?" * * * New Testament authors tell us that spiritual gifts come from the Father (1 Pet. 4:10-11), from the Son of God (Eph. 4:7-8) and from the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:8-11). Only God gives divine grace (charis) or "grace-gifts" (charismata) -- regardless of the means, medium or intermediary he might … [Read more...]