Lazarus’ tomb at Bethany, Jacob’s Well in Shechem, Mt. Gerazim, Samaria, Galilee, Nazareth
Read Edward’s recollections of Jacob’s Well.
Read Edward’s recollections of Mt. Gerazim.
- Our day begins with a stop in Bethany at the traditional site of Lazarus’ tomb.
- The sign marking the tomb.
- We drive north through Samaria stopping in SHECHEM at Jacob’s Well. We enter through the wall.
- We pass through the courtyard to an enclosed stairwell at the opposite end where we descend 20 feet below ground.
- There in this vaulted room is Jacob’s Well.
- Driving on, we see the ruins of the Samaritan temple on MT. GERAZIM.
- Mt. Gerazim.
- Driving on, we visit the nearby city of SAMARIA, the capital of Ahab and Jezebel.
- More ruins.
- We reach NAZARETH. Here is an excavated home like Mary’s.
- Basilica of the Annunciation. Within the Church of St. Joseph is an ancient house, the traditional site of Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary.
- Inside the house.
- A stained glass window in the church.