THE THIRTIETH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. PAUL AND MELONIE FUDGE IN ZIMBABWE My youngest brother Paul Fudge and wife Melonie have arrived safely in Harare, Zimbabwe. There they expect to remain busy until the date in June arrives for them to return home, God willing, Paul is scheduled to teach a course at Zimbabwe Christian College (ZCC), and Melonie will be doing informal personal discipling, biblical counseling and encouragement, particularly with wives of ministerial students. On weekends they will visit and teach by invitation in surrounding … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2016
THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. He was 8-10 years older than most graduate students at ACU in 1967, and none of the classes, whether lecture-based or discussion seminars, were really all that large. But the main thing that made Charles Prince both conspicuous and memorable was that when he commented on the professor's remarks as he often did--whether to take issue with them or merely to enlarge on some point--Charles nearly always seemed to know as much about the subject at hand as did any of his teachers, and sometimes considerably … [Read more...]
Family Notes 23/03/2016
THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. THIS SERMON NEEDED HER VOICE The sermon Sunday before last at Bering Drive Church of Christ in Houston, Texas, included the story of Lazarus' sister Mary, who anointed Jesus' feet with her expensive perfume and dried them with her hair. I had not realized before how much this passage needed a woman's eye and ear and mouth. We had a guest preacher that day, Chelsie Sargent, a member of the Southwest Central congregation in our city, and the feminine advantage was clear almost from the moment she began to … [Read more...]
THE TWENTIETH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. Time is eternally slow, I thought, for so it seemed to me when I was the age my elementary grandchildren are today. School days dragged by and the number of years yet to be spent inside school walls was too depressing to calculate. Then I grew up and something very interesting happened. Time, which once crept slower than a snail, suddenly accelerated and soon was outpacing the eagles. Weeks flew, months blurred, and years changed numbers quicker than we could change the calendar. Whether one experiences time … [Read more...]
Family Notes 16/03/2016
THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. THIRST-QUENCHING CONVERSATION Ralph Watson The human mind craves conversation. The verbal dimension, the realm of the Word, is unique to our human consciousness. Dialogue bonds speaker and hearer in the moment forever, like a bookmark in time. In room 304 at LakeRidge Senior Center, living water flows, and people are coming from all around and half a world away to partake of it, in the form of conversation with Harry Robert Fox. Harry Fox has been true to his original self and open to the Word in ways that … [Read more...]
THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A gracEmail subscriber nearing the midpoint of an anticipated lifespan writes: "When I look around sometimes at the people I love the most--my spouse, my children, my parents--I am nearly overwhelmed with concern for their well-being, and with an awareness of my own inability to control even one minute of the future. How can I get some peace about possible future changes and all the up's and down's of life?" * * * Life's uncertainties are enough to stir up fear in any of us, and they often do. However, we can … [Read more...]
Family Notes 09/03/2016
THE NINTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. HEBREWS TREASURY It might come as a surprise to many Christians today, but there is no book of the Bible more full of Jesus, more attuned to daily life in the 21st century, and more relevant as a word of encouragement than the book of Hebrews. For the next few weeks, our gracEmail family notes will include two items related to Hebrews. First, a piece of a conversation with me about the book itself (see "A Bridge Commentary" below). Second, excerpts from a review of Hebrews: Ancient Encouragement for Believers Today, … [Read more...]
THE SIXTH DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A gracEmail subscriber writes: "I hardly know what to do. I love God and trust in Jesus as my Savior. I try very hard not to sin, and I sometimes go for long periods without intentionally doing anything that I know displeases God. But then I always stumble and do something that I know is wrong. I am so ashamed of myself, confess my sin to God and ask his forgivenness. Is there any hope for me?" * * * You are not alone--if we are truly aware and honest, we all can say the same. It is just this situation that John … [Read more...]
Family Notes 02/03/2016
THE SECOND DAY OF MARCH IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. My Assignment . . . It was nearly nine years ago, but in my mind it seems but yesterday. Illumined by the first rays of morning, three volcanic mountains gradually appear and encircle us in the distance. As the sun rises over Guatemala, the cobblestones of Antigua glow beneath my feet. It is August 2007. I am here on a professional retreat with my employer, the Lanier Law Firm of Houston, Texas ( ) A request and an answer This early morning walk starts my day with prayer. After a … [Read more...]