THE TWENTIETH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. As the 19th century began, many Christians across the spectrum believed that the original church had become corrupted and must be restored to its original purity and beauty. Thomas and Alexander Campbell believed they had found the key to doing that in the history of Israel. Just as God provided Moses with an exact pattern for building the Tabernacle, the Campbells believed that he also provided an exact pattern in the New Testament for his people to follow while restoring the apostolic, first-century … [Read more...]
Archives for 2016
THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. The New Testament provides the pattern for each of us as Christians, and that pattern is Jesus Christ himself (Matt. 16:24; Phil. 2:5; 1 Pet. 2:21). When God's people follow Jesus, they also become a pattern for each other (1 Cor. 4:16; Phil. 3:17; Heb. 13:7). Healthy teaching that is consistent with trusting and loving Jesus can also be called a pattern, and it also deserves to be followed (2 Tim. 1:13). In short, Jesus is our pattern, though he is also much more, and to say that we should follow his steps … [Read more...]
Family Notes 09/11/2016
THE NINTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. ONLY THE PEACE OF GOD Late last night, gracEmail subscriber Glenn Lashway sent the following in his weekly email column "Gleanings": "Well, it's almost over. Just a few more hours from when I am writing this and we will have elected a new President. Pray for that person. The task of reuniting the country will be monumental, if even possible at all! I for one will be very glad that this whole thing will be over, even if only for a couple of years. I will try very hard to remember that God is still on the … [Read more...]
THE SIXTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. Sybil Short Fudge Dewhirst is a gracEmail reader and zealous encourager of all things good and of everyone whose heart is set on doing good things. She also happens to be my mother. Now in her 94th year, Mom fills each day with devotional reading, Bible study, praying for family both physical and spiritual,and more often than not, writing them emails to encourage, console, guide and revive. (She also has her hair done and nails tended, eats food, and does light housekeeping -- no wings and halo, just a mortal … [Read more...]
Family Notes 02/11/2016
THE SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. UNDERSTANDING REQUIRES LOVE "I have found the following big picture ideas helpful as a framework for Christian interpretation of Scripture in God-honoring ways," writes gracEmail subscriber and blogger Bobby Valentine. (Read the entire article excerpted below at: Creation rebelled and . . . erected a barrier between Creator and Creation. God is working within creation to redeem, restore and even glorify his creation. The Gist of that Story is this: God created the universe as an act … [Read more...]
THE THIRTIETH DAY OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. The Hebrew verb translated "atone" in the Old Testament is kaphar. The word originally meant "to cover" or possibly "to wash away," but by biblical times it simply meant "to forgive." Leviticus 16 tells what it looked like when God removed the guilt of Israel's sin from them and removed the stain of their sin from his sanctuary. For New Testament writers it is a drama in which Jesus himself plays all the parts. He is the temple, the high priest, the atonement-sacrifice, and, in Romans 3:25, the Mercy-Seat or … [Read more...]
THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. This year it began in the evening of October 11 and ended in the evening of October 12. "Evening and morning" equals one day. That is how the Creator reckoned time at Creation, and so still do the Jews and several million Christians as well. But this year's October 11-12 is not just another ordinary day. It is the most awesome (or awe-full, if you prefer) day on the calendar during this year that we name 2016. It is the day that God named Yom Kippur, "the Day of Atonement." Leviticus 16 records the … [Read more...]
Family Notes 19/10/2016
THE NINETEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. ZOE WORSHIP CONFERENCE Register online until Nov 1st, for the Zoe worship conference and hear featured presenters Constance Cherry, Luke Norsworthy, Mike Cope, Heather Hodges, Jack & Jill Maxwell, Jeff Barker, and Amanda Roberts. Visit: COPY ON FACEBOOK A reader asks if he may cut and paste a gracEmail for his Facebook friends. Yes, indeed -- any time, and without further permission! FREEDOM! Feedback like the following from "Rebecca M." brings joy to us and … [Read more...]
THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. As citizens of the USA prepare to choose a new president and many other officials, we who are also Christians note some fundamental scriptural principles about God and earthly governments. Scripture tells us that God raises up governments and puts them down -- both to bless and to punish. The Most High rules over the kingdoms of men (Daniel 4). Pilate's supposed power depends on God (John 18). God assigns governments certain responsibilities, and he holds them accountable for their performance (Rom. … [Read more...]
Family Notes 11/10/2016
THE ELEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. POLITICAL CHRISTIANITY: AMERICAN STYLE In today's super-charged political world, the difference between the two major presidential candidates is often defined in terms of which is the greater scoundrel (if not felon) and respected Christian spokespersons are found endorsing them both -- in voices equally judgmental and equally dogmatic. In such times as these, Scot McKnight, in my opinion, is one of the most biblical, balanced, and evenhanded observers and commentators to be found. His blog post, named above … [Read more...]