THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN SOLDIER ON The two words "soldier on" are a personal motto of our good brother Leroy Garrett (born 1918), and also the name of his "occasional" e-bulletin. Issue #476 went out this week; Brother Leroy intends to stop with #500 if he reaches that far. He has published a personal bulletin of teaching, encouragement, and news for 64 years under a variety of names: Bible Talk (1952-58), Restoration Review (1959-92), Last Time Around (1993-94), Once More With Love (1990-2003). and Soldier On! You … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2015
Jesus’ personal prize and inheritance
DAY TWENTY-TWO OF FEBRUARY, YEAR OF GRACE TWENTY FIFTEEN A gracEmail subscriber writes: "The author of Hebrews says that Jesus "for the joy that was set before him endured the cross" (Heb. 12:2). What is that joy? Paul prayed for his converts to know "the riches of [God's] glorious inheritance in the saints" (Eph. 1:18). Is this saying what it sounds like? Are the saved themselves somehow a part of Christ's own reward? * * * God has named Jesus "heir of all things" and that includes every human being he rescues from destruction (Heb. 1:2). They all will be presented to him as a gift and … [Read more...]
THE TWENTIETH DAY OF FEBRUARY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN Last Sunday, the jihadist group calling itself ISIS (The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) martyred 21 young Egyptian Christians working in Libya, one of Egypt's four next-door neighbor states. Ramez Atallah, a leader in gospel outreach worldwide, is general director of the Bible Society of Egypt. Within days of the executions, Atallah published an article in the Society's Newsletter titled "A MESSAGE SIGNED WITH BLOOD," which he addressed to fellow-Christians everywhere as "THE NATION OF THE CROSS." In the … [Read more...]
family notes 02/18/2015
THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN LINK 'JOURNEY TOWARD JESUS' Shortly before our new website was "turned on," we featured a free on-line book of letters by Bruce Edwards and myself titled A Journey Toward Jesus, with a link to the still-active old website. Several gracEmail subscribers told us the link did not work and they wanted to read the book. So for the convenience of all you who enjoy gospel truth made plain in real life, you can read A Journey Toward Jesus here. IT'S FULLER IN JUNE The second Rethinking Hell conference … [Read more...]
The original website for was built with love and care by son Jeremy Fudge, and it has served long and well. Despite 15 years of my considerable tinkering, it still retains much of its original beauty and charm. But fashions change, as do methods and software, and the time came for a major update. The new website is beautiful, simple, and intuitive. There are tips along the way, drop-downs, search-engines, and the latest tools. The website is new, easy to use and full of interesting and helpful resources. What's there not to love? Check it out for yourself at the same … [Read more...]
Family Notes
THE ELEVENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN CHRIST AS SIN-OFFERING A good many years ago I discovered that I was not really preaching Christ. I was preaching only the conditions of salvation, just as though . . . the Lord’s visit to this earth [was] to set forth certain acts as conditions of justification. I was overlooking the importance of the cross upon which he bore our sins. I was not recognizing Jesus as our High Priest who offered himself for the sins of the world. I considered the cross as a means to an end, the end being the endowment of … [Read more...]
inspired scripture
A gracEmail subscriber writes: "I was wondering what you would say to the average person who was questioning how to believe in the innate infallibility of our biblical canon." * * * It seems to me both misguided and profitless to obsess about the precise canon of Scripture, or to become engrossed in hair-splitting definitions of infallibility, inerrancy and other such terms, especially if one limits the applicability of these words to the original autographs. The church was not built on a doctrine about either the canon or infallibility, but on the apostolic testimony about Jesus of … [Read more...]