THE THIRD DAY OF DECEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. THANKS FOR THE THANKS! A few years ago, a surgeon who treated me asked if I minded if he prayed for me and that began a wonderful conversation that lasted until he discharged me. This week, I received an email thanks and update from the surgeon, to whom I now offer my thanks in return. Following is a portion of his email. "I have been enjoying your gracEmails for sometime since I saw you several years ago in my office. Your unbridled enthusiasm for God's Word and His wisdom continues to inspire and encourage me. … [Read more...]
Family Notes 02/12/2015
THE SECOND DAY OF DECEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. HUH??? I was reading a blog article recently about the use of evangelistic tools. At the end of the article were comments by readers. The first comment, obviously a spoof and not based in fact, said: Did you hear that Billy Graham Ministries has abandoned the Sinner's Prayer? They wanted a fresh slogan to appeal to nonbelievers. Here is what they decided on... "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins." Below which the commenting reader added his … [Read more...]
Family Notes 18/11/2015
THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. HEAVEN ISN'T ENOUGH (By Gregory Crofford. Excerpted and condensed.) Why did Jesus die on the cross? The tendency has been to say that it was so we could go to heaven. However, that has always seemed incomplete to those coming from a Wesleyan-Holiness perspective. In the "Great Commission," Jesus outlined our mission as a call for people to follow Jesus in the here-and-now: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and … [Read more...]
Family Notes 02/09/2015
THE SECOND DAY OF SEPTEMBER IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Dr. Ron Highfield, elder, preacher, author, professor of religion at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, one of today's more effective Christian apologists, longtime gracEmail subscriber, and (like myself), a native son of North Alabama, has announced the publication of his latest book on Christian Apologetics, titled: ChristianityIs It Really True? Responsible Faith In a Post-Christian Culture. Last year Ron blogged in answer to the question, "Is Christianity True? producing 48 … [Read more...]
Family Notes 29/04/2015
THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND FIFTEEN REPORT FROM NEPAL The country of Nepal was struck this past Saturday, April 25 by a massive 7.8 earthquake, and significant aftershocks continue. The monster quake flattening homes, churches, businesses and other structures. CNN Cable News reported more than 4,600 people confirmed dead as of Tuesday, April 28, and the country's Prime Minister cautions that the death toll may reach 10,000. Fox Cable News adds that 1.4 million people in Nepal are now without water, food, or other basic necessities. GracEmail … [Read more...]
Vimeo Videos
Now you can enjoy Edward's teachings in video at no cost to you. The venue is Vimeo, the growing favorite of professional quality videos by many of America's leading groups. This aspect of our ministry is the contribution of Mike McHenry, who generously edits, produces, uploads, and maintains the videos of Edward's teaching ministry as they become available. The following presentations were originally given at New Life Fellowship in Cross Plains, Tennessee (2008, Steve Farmer - Pastor), and at the Biblical Literacy Class at Champion Forest Baptist Church in Houston, Texas (2009-10, Mark … [Read more...]
The Fire That Consumes
A three-hour seminar by Edward on this topic, as recorded at Christian Gospel Temple in Cross Plains, Tennessee in August 2008 in 9 parts plus concluding Questions and Answers: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Questions and Answers … [Read more...]
Behind the Scenes: “Hell and Mr. Fudge” movie…Getting the shot … [Read more...]
Behind the Scenes with “Hell and Mr. Fudge” Production Coordinator Jim Wood … [Read more...]
Behind the Scenes: Interview with the real Edward Fudge … [Read more...]