Recorded at Christian Gospel Temple in Cross Plains, Tennessee in August 2008
Story of Jesus Told From 4 Psalms
Recorded at Christian Gospel Temple in Cross Plains, Tennessee in August 2008
Origin of Traditional Hell
Edward Fudge presented material from his book The Fire That Consumes.
Proof Texts for Eternal Torment
Edward Fudge presented material from his book The Fire That Consumes.
The Wages of Sin is Death
Edward Fudge presented material from his book The Fire That Consumes.
The Question of Hell and Eternal Punishment
Dr. Brown speaks with Edward Fudge, the author of The Fire that Consumes and an advocate of conditional immortality — meaning, only believers live forever, while the unsaved are destroyed.
Our Man In Heaven
This video is about Edward’s first commentary on Hebrews Our Man In Heaven. The closing prayer had elements drawn from the title of Edward’s first commentary. It is out of sequence but fitting.