THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. A TOUR OF MY WEBSITE It occurs to me that many gracEmail subscribers might never have explored my website, . Hoping to entice you to do so, I give you the following list of the helpful resources it contains. The materials listed below include thousands of pages and represent decades of work. START at the HOME PAGE. That is located at THERE YOU WILL FIND -- Our testimony to God's faithfulness Info about "Hell and Mr Fudge" … [Read more...]
Family Notes 15/08/2016
THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. PRAY FOR ONE ANOTHER'S HEALING God's will is on the side of health, wholeness, and salvation. The English words "hale," "health," and "whole" share common roots. When the Gospels tell stories of Jesus forgiving sins and healing the sick, the words translated "heal" and "save" often translate the same Greek word. The authoritative name of Jesus is given to us for both health and salvation (Acts 3). Jesus' atonement procured both those blessings, and Isaiah 53 is fulfilled in them both (Matt. 8:17; Acts … [Read more...]
Family Notes 10/08/2016
THE TENTH DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. MAKING WORLD PEACE--ONE MIND AT A TIME Sometime tomorrow, August 11, God willing, sixty young leaders from 15 countries stressed by ethnic, racial, national, religious and political conflict will assemble for two-and-one-half weeks in the picturesque town of Fuzine, Croatia. The occasion is the 2016 Renewing Our Minds (ROM) Gathering, an international leadership movement created and run by gracEmail subscriber and veteran peacemaker Tihomir Kukolja. Mr. Kukolja's own experiences during and after years of bloody … [Read more...]
Family Notes 03/08/2016
THE THIRD DAY OF AUGUST IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. ZOE WORSHIP CONFERENCE Registration is now open for the 2016 worship conference "Stand," to be held this November 4-5 at the Otter Creek Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Expected to speak at plenary sessions and/or to lead breakout sessions, God willing, are Mike Cope, Constance Cherry, Luke Norsworthy, Jack and Jill Maxwell, Heather Hodges, and Jeff Barker. Randy Gill will again be leading "New Music Nashville," at which he will introduce a folio of new worship songs that will bless and invigorate your … [Read more...]
Family Notes 27/07/2016
THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF JULY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. MIND AND BODY Ron Highfield -- Sometimes the soul needs to listen to the body. Nine days ago I underwent surgery for an inguinal hernia and . . . Ive been exhausted the whole nine days. What surprised me is how much my physical trauma manifested itself in my psychological moods and thoughts. I kept thinking I would use the physical recovery time to read and . . . write a little But instead I felt two disturbing moods come over me. I felt no energy for work and . . . [I felt] a burden of guilt for not … [Read more...]
Family Notes 20/07/2016
THE TWENTIETH DAY OF JULY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. SCHOLARLY SEMINARS--FOR EVERYONE For the past five years, the Lanier Theological Library in Houston, Texas has provided, without charge to the public, a series of seminars featuring professors, scientists, and expert practitioners on current events, topics of special interest, and biblical subjects in the news. Following are the titles of seminars conducted in 2015 and 2016, and the participants in those seminars. For infomation regarding seminars from 2012-2014, or to view videos of any of these seminars at … [Read more...]
Family Notes 13/07/2016
THE THIRTEENTH DAY OF JULY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. DON'T SAY IT! Oh, how we love to express our opinions, prejudices, and fancies--especially on religion and politics! The power of words is deceptive. They are so easy to utter! But they can unleash hell, war, and murder. In a culture where we can speak to the whole world through the media at our finger tips, allow me to say it again: “Please, please don’t say everything you think!” Don’t say it yourself, and don’t “like” or “share” any words you would not say yourself. Liking or sharing or forwarding anything is … [Read more...]
Family Notes 15/06/2016
THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF JUNE IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. SIMPLE, GODLY, MOVING Thumbing through my local Houston Chronicle this weekend, I came upon the "Beliefs" section of the newspaper, which happened to feature a sermon by Dodie Osteen, mother of PastorJoel Osteen of Lakewood Church. As I read the sermon, I was both touched and again impressed with the sweetness and simplicity of our Christian message. I also gained some insight into a major formative influence on the spirituality of Brother Joel, who addresses 40,000 living souls each week at the largest Christian … [Read more...]
Family Notes 25/05/2016
THE TWENTY-FIFTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. THE WRIGHT STUFF Among the hundreds of Bible teachers and preachers presenting at the recent Pepperdine University Bible Lectures was a pleasant and personable gentleman from Scotland, four-and-one-half years my junior, with the same last name as the late inventors Wilbur and Orville of North Carolina - who were brothers to each other and fathers of the airplane. Mr Wright from Scotland, on the other hand, has several "handles" depending upon what he is doing at the moment. As Bishop of Durham (2000-2010), he … [Read more...]
Family Notes 18/05/2016
THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF MAY IN THE YEAR OF GRACE TWO THOUSAND AND SIXTEEN. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC WEIGHS IN ON HELL For as long as anyone can remember, writers and photographers for National Geographic magazine have traveled the world to bring its readers illustrated stories of volcanos, geysers, and the like, so realistic that they almost singed the readers' eyebrows. On May 13, 2016, NG outdid itself with a superb article titled "The Campaign to Eliminate Hell"--indisputably the ultimate of all hot places. In almost 1800 words, author Mark Strauss describes the rethinking of hell … [Read more...]