This Christmas I am impressed anew that we are seeing biblical prophecy fulfilled before our eyes. Not the kind of prophetic fulfillment about which the sensationalists talk and write best-seller books for the gullible masses -- about Middle Eastern conflict and geopolitics and world banks and bar codes at the supermarkets. No, something far more solid and biblical than any of that! God's word to Isaiah 2,700 years ago has come to pass: "The root of Jesse will come, and the one who rises to rule over the Gentiles; in him will the Gentiles hope." All you have to do is turn on the radio, or go … [Read more...]
A gracEmail subscriber writes: "The church that I attend doesn't recognize Christ's birth at Christmas. Our minister talks about mothers on Mother's Day, veterans on Veteran's Day and being thankful on Thanksgiving, but never do we hear a word about Jesus' birth during the Christmas season. We have a 'holiday' party after one of our church services and sing Jingle Bells but never Silent Night or Away in a Manger. Doesn't it seem selfish to leave Jesus out of our holidays?" * * * By ignoring Christmas as a religious occasion, your church is following a tradition as ancient as the Reformer … [Read more...]